Originally from Tazoon, then moved to the old community site by Hellbreath, now moved (a direct copy and paste) here.

while your logged out, browse to C:\Program Files\Artifact Entertainment\Horizons\Resources

open Commands_Players.def in notepad

after one of the commands "}' and before the next one's "//" paste in the following:

// setscale
string name = "setscale"
string usage = "<pref name> <pref value>"
string description = ""
int numParams = 1
int minParams = 1

save the file and launch the game.

to use the command, select any player, or selectable object and type:

/setscale x.x

where x.x is 0.0 thru 3.0 normal size is 1.1

note: backup your command file, since any patching will overwrite it back to default