On Aubadrine, the dryad Thaelen Nôran has been researching the ways in which blighted forces have been invading the lands. Whilst the progress has been slow he has started to figure out the various means, and believes he might have a breakthrough soon. Meanwhile reports have come from the Tower of Nature that the environnment surrounding the Island of Aubadrine and the Tower of Nature have started to act up, the waters have been raging almost nonstop, the Bridge of Hues has paled in it’s vibrancy as strange storms gather overhead.


“Gifted!” a wispy voice calls out in the marketplace. “I bear fortuitous news! A dear friend of mine has been delving into the inner workings of the Aegis and has been making headway, he says he might have figured out how their portals function.”. A gentle red haze spreads in the central agora before the golden dragoness Liseth materializes and continues her dialogue. “His name is Thaelen Nôran, a dryad living at Aubadrine, though I fear the Aegis have caught wind of his research and might be planning to quell it soon” she pauses and looks in the direction of Aubadrine with a hopeful glint in her eyes before returning to address the crowd that has gathered “Please, I ask of you to keep an eye on him, I have cast a few protection spells around his residence so that he should be invisible to the Aegis atleast for some time, but no doubt will they still try to find him. I’ve also discussed with the Grove Sentinels whether they could offer some protection, but they are engrossed in fighting back the Ebon Gurad as it already is.”

“For now, and those willing to help, prepare. The Aegis will undoubtedly strike, and they shall strike hard.” A somber look spreads across her gaunt reptillian face before changing to a more determined look. “Hail Istara! Hail Drulkar!” She calls out before leaving in a red haze similiar to the one she arrived with...
A single sheep now roams the spot she occupied


When: 8pm CEST, September 11th. 2pm EST, 11am PDT
Another timezone? use This Converter.
Where: It will mostly take place on and around Aubadrine, though depending on how the gifted perform it might spread to other places as well.
  • The start will be announced in global and marketplace.
  • Raid chat will be created for coordination. ('[RAID] - Augusts of Aubadrine')
  • All storytelling will happen in raid chat.
  • There are time constraints to some phases of this raid, bring your best fighters.
  • Included will be a crafting section.
  • If the Aegis succeed, it will influence future event raids, likewise, depending on how the gifted succeed the story can continue in several unique ways.
  • Sadly I currently still cannot offer extra rewards seperately.

If there are any questions do not hesitate to ask.