Hello everyone.

As it is right now, most named monsters from levels 1-99 aren't very exciting. In my opinion, you should be looking forward to hunting them; it shouldn't be "just" a bonus. What I'm trying to suggest is bumping up the difficulty, experience and loot of said monsters within their level bracket. It'd definitely make hunting in general more fun.

(Wishful thinking incoming)

Who knows, maybe also make them into Minor (as in, less than lesser) Epic Bosses and give them unique drops; nothing too powerful, of course, just something else to motivate you to hunt them even more. Though this probably wouldn't be a very good idea, because it's very hard, not to say impossible, to find a group before level 100. Making them hard, but soloable and more rewarding would be a safer option.

Another thing that could be done is town marshall or trophy hunter quest on the lines of "WANTED: Gersei" with an average reward.

(end of wishful thinking)

The increases in loot could be in the form of more rhahool junk, more trophies, more formulas if the non named version already drops them, etc.

What does everyone think about this?

Thanks for reading.