I came back and started playing over a month ago just some things that I have observed being back for a month. (note I am not leaving just some general things I noticed).

Ok I have two characters from when I played back day 1 launch yes that long ago initially when i played I made the dumb mistake of splitting my crater and adventure yea it hurt when I hit tier 4 metal on my weapon smith gerr. My choices when I came back levl 68 spearman/64 healer a few sub levels of stuff for buffs and very geared out before i left in cobalt chainmail etc etc like 11 levels of mining.

Or a level 65 weapon smith/40 fitter with 20 levels monk and 13 levels cleric and 20 levels warrior and a few other things in crafting low level. I had some really good crafting gear

I made the right decision way easier to level melee classes than crafting so i decided I am going to level my Weaponsmith character. In this last month I have gotten to 55 Levels of Flame Disciple/ 48 levels cleric and 30 spirtitist. I took miner to level 51 and gotten my weapon crafting to 67.

The good people are helpful and will help you with gear.

Now the issue starting spells yes you can buy some but there were big gaps in spells available and very little on connie in Kion when you are first starting it is kind of frustrating because you are learning the ropes you just want to be able to just buy all the beginner spells nope most are not available yes I know you can have some craft them; great maybe you are not ready for that because you are still learning so I can see a new person frustration.

Now the good if you ask and a person that can make the spells are logged in they will usually help out make you spells and give them to you free so great that is nice.

Now I have advanced I need more advanced stuff I am not at the 100 level stuff I need mid level tier and I want it teched yea good luck if the right person is on you are in business great. That is the issue this is not like the old days were we had thousands of people and you could find someone easy.

Now comes the issue with teching great i need this this and this to tech great ok I farm and got these parts oh I need essences oh I need a crafting skill for those oh I know I will just go to the the connies and nope none of them have any for sell great now I am stuck I either have to find someone in the chat channel that is on that can go farm and make them for me or I have to level another crafting school just great just what I did not want to have to do learn every craft school so i can get something I need made.

Like I said it is not all bad if the right person is logged on they will help and most people are helpful but I could see returning players or new people being frustrated. I do not know the answer these are just my observation after being back for a month.

Note this is coming from a BiPed and all I play is Biped so yes I know it is easier to get Dragon stuff in this game.