
Long time I've thought if I should touch this matter. I am terribly afraid of public slandering, but I decided to take on this responsibility. I decided that honesty must be for everyone.

Straight to the point. As everyone knows, bipedal farming levels has not always been very easy to do, but today its more easy and I think everyone could agree with that. But I'm not here to speak about leveling, but about using abilities in game and about conflicts. I've made some discoveries in that matter and I've noticed that some players found a way to overboost self with abilities gained through leveling their classes. As there are 28 masterable classes, it gives great maneuver on stacking abilities without conflict after changing class. What I mean, lately often has been mentioned about soloing epics in game, it's requre skill and experience on combat.

Developers highly care for making game well ballanced, and because of that lately they decided to reduce use on baubles. I respect that as half of community could use it for god playing if that still could not be changed, but not for many, this change is not significant enough, because they have many other possibilities to boost their character. Generally I have in mind bipeds, who after mastering enough classes, are provided with more abilities to use, that may be cast and stacked to boost current class they are on.

On a live server this mechanics involves visiting one npc on the isle of battle (pvp), where player can freely change his class and boost himself in any direction to any class. With time you can really become strong and fight alone with epic bosses. (even if for short duration)
I have often witnessed this situation, and I admit, I thought for quite a long time that it was a matter of skill, but it turns out that it is a matter of properly selected character classes and a hidden exploit.

In addition, mastering character classes outside of this mechanics is strongly supported by passive skills, some may turn off after changing the class, but I'm not sure which classes conflict with passive skills, but I know that the majority stays on other classes, it may depend in which order you can do everything, it's like puzzles that can be really powerful after completing all classes

I say this also because recently there have been a lot of requests to build more character classes, which would give even more development with this exploit That's why I had doubts whether we should continue to develop classes on bipeds, at least until the matter of stacking abilities and overboosting is cleared up. Several character classes actually need a change, but not in the current state of affairs.Later regulations in this respect would allow for further changes in classes, as each class would have its own system sufficient to operate in a group with much more difficult challenges.

I also have a question and request for developers to deny whether they have known about this exploit for a long time.However, I hope that the knowledge about this exploit was mostly on the side of the players and developers are mindful of the changes under this account

This matter has been plaguing me for a long time, considering how much the developers focused on dragons, which was based on constant monitoring of their effectiveness in fighting and using items, leading to a number of changes, possibly needed, but in a situation where in the class biped continuous strengthening is possible and further changes are planned, I had to raise this topic

below i add links of all biped active and passive abilities