Information about the progress of construction in Silvane (Chaos).
Here is a list of materials that are still needed for the construction of Silvane.
I try to update this list three times a week.

What do we need for Silvane Update 02.September 2022, MEZ 14:00

Radiant Essence 806580
Shining Essence 130380
Bright Essence 986340

Travertine Slab 40680
Marble Slab 324460
Obsidian Slab 344080

Unfoc Titan 66000
Unfoc Crimson 91980

Uncut Topas 33000
Uncut Opal 33000
Uncut Jade 33000
Uncut Fireopal 45990
Uncut Emerald 45990
Uncut Peridot 45990

Adamantium Ore 531340
Cobalt Ore 353440