I am available for all tier II and several tier III spells. I don't get xp for tier I so please look fora lower level crafter before coming to me. If you absolutely cannot find a spellcrafter (also look for scholars and dragons) I will make them. I do have techs avaiable and at this current time don't have a bank of comps so you will have to provide them. Prices are the same whether teched or not. I will let you know if there is a tier III spell you want that I can either not make or do not have.

Tier I: 200c
Tier II: 500c
Tier III: 1s

Techs I have available are:
Accuracy I, II, III
Bane I
Blight Damage I, II, III
Blight Poison I, III
Blight Range I
Burning Damage I
Chill I
Cinder I, II, III
Cleanse I
Combust I, II, III
Concentrated I, II
Covalence I
Critical Damage I, II, III
Derange I, II, III
Energy Damage I, II, III
Energy Range I
Flame Damage I, II, III
Flame Range I, II, III
Fog I
Fortify I, II
Freeze I, II
Gale I
Heal Increase I, II, III
Heal Recycle I, III
Ice Damage I, II, III
Ice Range I, II
Ice Snare I, II
Junction I, II, III
Nature Damage I, II, III
Nature Range II
Numbing I
Pierce I
Potency I
Primal Damage I
Primal Range I
Romp I, II
Scorn I
Shocked I
Spirit Damage I, II, III
Spirit Range I, III
Stun I
Taint I