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Thread: Teleporting

  1. #1

    Default Teleporting

    I've got some suggestions about the teleporting.

    1.) Is it possible to keep the chat windows open while teleporting?
    So we will be able to use this big ammount of time we're looking at this black window.

    2.) Why is teleporting taking more and more time while I jump between 2-3 places?
    This week I was in Falathien recalling to brommel, teleporting back to Falathien via New Rachival several times.
    At the beginning it was OK. Bu some time later it downloaded mor than 300 world objects and it took more than 1 sec for each of them.
    After a relog it was no problem any more for the next 4-6 runs.

    Whats the reason for the teleporting geting slower and slower?
    And why do I have a world cache on my HDD?

    3.) If you want to do make crafters happy: Create a possibility for a second Bind.
    So crafters may bind to 2 locations and it is easy to transport all thisitems to your plot.
    Devlyn Canchobhar, Daoine SÃ**dhe, Unity
    Ranger[100] Druid[100] Healer[100] Spiritist[100] Mage[36] Spellcrafter[100] Mason[55]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Sem / Last Stand

    Default Re: Teleporting

    Before I done what I'm about to tell you now, I could only stay in-game for roughly 2 hours before lag got so horrendous, and that's with keeping porting very restrictive.. Now I can stay in game 8-10 hours easily, with porting around as much as I feel.

    Here's what to do:

    - Set up 2 hotkeys.
    - First hotkey has these commandsaffixed on it:
    - /setpref loaddist 1
    - /setpref fogenddist 1
    - /setpref useloadingscreen false
    - Second hotkey has these commandsaffixed on it:
    - /setpref loaddist 100 (I think 100 is default, I personally use 150 - 300)
    - /setpref fogenddist 100 (I think 100 is default, I personally use 150 - 300)
    - /setpref useloadingscreen true

    Note: the '/setpref useloadingscreen X' is optional. However, I'd strongly recommend to have itset as falseif you decide to not include it on the hotkeys.

    Now, everytime you recall or port, hit the first hotkey. When you arrive (wait for the gold writing at the top middle of your screen to fade away, i.e. when'Sslanis' fades away), hit the second hotkey.

    Hope that helps!
    Truth is absolution - Killswitch Engage
    Gusi: 100 lvls of ELAR deleted and crafting forte.
    Aquzon: 0/100 Draconic Crafter achieved in under 100 hours gameplay.
    Yuthakon: 31 Berserker and aspiring Constructor.
    Proud member of Strata on Order Realm

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