Here we are a year later, and what do we find?

We have various players "bravely" declaring the king has no clothes, ( listing the various problems that Horizons has ) and others saying that he does, ( defending the Developers for their efforts ).

It doesn't take bravery to notice problems, nor to alert the developers. Most are already known by them. What is happening, is that many longtime players have started to find extra fault with the game they call the "king". We know they really ( albeit secretly ) love the game since they are still in the kings court, close enough to see his nakedness. It's true that the king need clothes.That is obvious. But what is needed, is to have someone show more than blind devotion, or false "bravery" ( translates to fanboi's and malcontent finger pointers ).

Those that truly care for the "king" have shown it by stepping up and calmly and most efficaciously, in a quiet voice, told the "king" he is naked, and then proceeded to make the king some clothes. Now, the finger pointers don't like this because it undermines there efforts to point out flaws. We all know that the king has flaws, just like we do. And despite the flaws, we enjoy being in his court daily. And since we truly want to see the kings "rule" continue, should we not lend a hand?

Our "king" is the developers behind the kingdom of Horizons. They rule what our world is and what it will become. Like it or not, they alone make the choices, we are their sujbects.
Blindly pretending the king has clothes when he is naked, only makes us and the king look foolish. Merely pointing fingers at obvious flaws doesn't help either. But should we even try to help our king? He doesn't seem to notice the draft around his knees...

We can help our "king" in a number of ways.

First off, realize these boards DO have an influence on the new players joining the game. I have been polling any new players I can find, and without exception, they all have read such negative reports in the boards that they are discouraged before they start. Once they tried the game and got involved, thet have a blast. SO... think about WHY you are posting here. Just to point fingers? ( I fully expect the some ones to flame me over this concept )

Second, put your efforts where your mouths are. Too many feel justified to lament, but don't want to actually help out. "We shouldn't be required to" they will say. No, you shouldn't and are not required to help. The developers should make the content. BUT, Why not help? The new quest made by Klaus is a fine example. It gives content to lower level players, and assists the dev's by letting them work on tougher things to do than just quests. If you want it all fixed, and fixed asap, then jump in and help! Come up with quests, make suggestions of things that you would find fun. Thes things are not mere fluff. They are what make the world around us seem alive.

Third, Support what efforts players make to improve the situation. If they have started a channel, join it and participate. If they want to have a gnaked gnome race, go make an alt and have fun! If they want to have a shard wide festival day, fasion show, newbie tour of the western deadlands... why not be a part of it?

We are as much a part of the soultion as the dev's. Our opinions, reactions, viewpoints drive it along too. Express your opinion that the king is naked, React with positive efforts, share your viewpoints about how things can be improved and try to help it come to pass.