Quote Originally Posted by Dragoniade
[img]/Web/Themes/Generic/images/icon-quote.gif[/img]Goriax wrote:Can the HZ engine even handle no-trade items? I can't recall seeing any. Yes that's an old trick which was around LONG before WoW. EQ was using it for years.

I agree this is great news. My first assumption after hearing that was that the hoard bonus to AC would go away but he didn't say that. I guess we'll just see.

Yes. Manga showed this on IRC the other day:

Notice the Attuning feature.
Ok I REALLY like that. Finally a way to have no drop items without it being no drop from initial looting.

The Uncommon, Rare, and Ultra Rare loot, IMO, should be totally random across all mobs within a given level range. People are going to camp regardless of how hard a mob is, group or solo. At least if they added these items across a level range instead of on certain mobs everyone will have the same chance as everyone else whether they are camping crap or not. Insisting these drops should drop on nothing else but group capable mobs is just another form of forced grouping which is something Horizons has featured as not needing/having.