Destroyed Essence Circle (19876,17257) 100% Completed

Updated 3/26:Essence Circle isnow completed and Essence Channeler is activated. Thanx to everyone who helped out, especially Guinness for completing the Slate Blocks. Next project is the Dalimond Ridge: Destroyed Gemworking Shack (20931,20835).

Directions: Take SouthEast portal from Brustigo. From pad head North to the stone Road. Follow stone road East to the dirt road heading North. Go North on the Dirt road to Essence Circle (19876,17257).

Just to the NorthEast of Essence Circle is a dry lake bed (20151,17375) with alot of Pale Wisps and residue.

Rebuilt Stoneshop with Stonecutter and Pedestal located in Slate Hills. The Slate Blocks can be done here without porting.

Next Project: Dalimond Ridge: Destroyed Gemworking Shack (20931,20835)

"10 units a day that's all we ask."