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Thread: *dryad hugs*

  1. #1

    Default *dryad hugs*

    Just checkin' in on y'all! I do that from time to time, though I let my account lapse. I hope y'all are having fun!

    *dances the dryad fists-of-flying-fury dance*

  2. #2

    Default Re: *dryad hugs*

    Eep! No! Remember what happens when you try to eat dryads?

  3. #3

    Default Re: *dryad hugs*

    *A large red Dragon raises his head and listens carefully to a voice from his past*


    *He looks around seeing nothing and sighing deeply drifts off back to sleep*
    Bori Grimbattle --->The Dwarf
    Sinistre Azazael---> The Fiend
    Adramaleck Flerious--->The Dragon

    ~Mystic Blades~

  4. #4

    Default Re: *dryad hugs*

    O Mighty Adramaleck! Long have I been sleeping, and now the celestial goo that has formed in the corners of this priestesses eyes must be cleared away before she gazes upon your majestic form! For who would want to taint one's vision as one sees -- after long absence -- the strength and resolve that emanates from Ruby Adramaleck's very being? The beauty and grace that is etched within every scale as you fly would be poorly served should this priestess watch unprepared!

    Alas, that I have been absent, and with no notice given. For that I seek forgiveness.

    ((Budget and time allowing, I might be back now and again. However, I'm lost in the changes since November! *grin* How long do they keep characters around, anyway?))

  5. #5

    Default Re: *dryad hugs*

    Allow me to respond to my own question: I can see my characters there. They're waving at me -- beckoning! Will the call to past glories be strong enough? Even if the glories were *ahem* rather young in adventuring experience?

    We shall see...we...shall see. *dances*

  6. #6

    Default Re: *dryad hugs*

    Okay, I'm up and running for another month. *giggle*

    Now, to find the time to play!

    What channels are usually used these days? It was morphing last time I was on, and I tend to like to chatter when I'm on and not in the middle of a fight. (What am I saying -- chattering DURING a fight usually got me dead more than once.)

  7. #7

    Default Re: *dryad hugs*

    marketplace has a lot of chatter. General is sometimes lively. Auction is good for well auctions :)

    If you need anything in game, send Cauri or Inanna a tell.
    Cauri BloodBane - Order
    100 DADV / 100 D C R A

  8. #8

    Default Re: *dryad hugs*

    Thanks much! *grin* I hope to see you all online soon enough.

  9. #9

    Default Re: *dryad hugs*

    So, I had a nice present waiting for me in the game that I didn't quite expect: my plot is still there (first surprise), and someone (or some people) worked on it for me! I did have some stuff on there from my first plot (the resources we got back from the server meld and original plots), but I did notice that more had been done when I checked on things (second surprise).

    Thanks BUNCHES to the people who dropped resources on it! These little monk hands have taken up the mantle of GATHERER so that I can start putting more on it myself when I get to CARPENTER. It'll be fun slowly but surely building all of the structures.

    And, no, I'm not telling you where it is.*dances* I'm keeping it open for anyone to build on if they want, but I want it to be a gift or a convenience, and not seem like I'm asking for help -- unless, well, I start earning enough money to actually put funds into it. Bwahaha! Then, THEN I might list where I live. *giggle*

    Oh, and I should note that I don't actually officially own the plot -- some human who's making me learn carpentry does. At least slappies make the hands tough enough for the cedar splinters to NOT dig in! Whee! Oh, and Janine dropped a few bronze thingies on someone else's structure nearby. She had fallen and forgotten that she needed JOINTINGS not SHEETS. What a silly gnome she is!

    And thanks for the help today. I had a few inane questions -- you'd think that *I* was the one who'd fallen on my head and been unconscious for a few months. *glances around for Janine*

    --Phaereana the Giddy Dryad Monk

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