((Note to all! This does contain blood!))

The night before, there was a smell of eggs and reptiles through the air. The smell led to a small cave behind Ice Cliff Village. In the cave were to red dragons and a nest, with 11 baby dragons in it. All of them were red, except one. Daza was the runt of his clutch; he was the odd ball, black and small. The rest of his family was red and big. Daza?s eyes were a light green with dark green shades in them. His underbelly was crimson, as was his wings. Being a western dragon, he stood at 2 feet at the shoulders and 5 feet long from the lip of his muzzle to the tip of his tail. The rest of the clutch was around 4 feet tall and 10 feet long, double Daza?s size. Being too young to even care, he just sat there, staring at his mother and father, Ayale and Drelo. They both smiled at all the others, missing the sight of their new born black. Ayale found him sleeping in the middle of the clutch about an hour later and smiled as well. She had a few second thoughts about this one, he was so tiny, there was no way he could be strong enough to be a king. Drelo sat by the fire, which he made for Ayale when she was egg heavy. The nest was only big enough for Ayale to sprawl out on, 60 feet across. Ayale was only 35 feet high, unlike her mate; he was 40 feet tall and 65 feet long. Their size didn?t matter to them at all, so they didn?t pick on each other at all, except on Daza, being the runt, he got teased beyond belief.

Each of Daza?s siblings played around the cave happily, ignoring the fact that it was raining outside. The entrance to the cave was quite flooded; the cave was over 80 feet high, more than 30, 000 feet long and 90 feet wide. It?s walls were a light brown, now being a dark from the soaking of the rain. Around the nest where Ayale lay, light red dragon dust speckled around it. She kept her eyes, watching all but the inquisitive Daza who had sat in the entrance, just away from the rain, staring outside. He couldn?t wait for the day that he would rule this place and watch over his village, like a king should. ?Having fun?? Drelo asked sarcastically and half-heartedly. Daza smirked, though he couldn?t reply, he had an idea of what his father had just said. Drelo rolled his eyes and sighed, walking back into the cave, ?Stupid dragon.? He muttered, aiming that completely at Daza. He was too young to understand hurt by heart, but he already loved his parents very much and would do anything for them. Because they were his parents, if he didn?t love them, they wouldn?t care for him. So he just continued sitting at the entrance and gazed into the dark, stormy night.

After the night of the repetitious smell, the eleven dragons went out with their mother. None of them could yet speak, but everyone knew who they belonged to. Daza's family, were the only dragons around, so it was very easy to tell where they lived. Five months before, all the dragons had split into 10 different borders, each with it's own towns and borders. Only ten of Ayale's kids would be kings of each of these. All 10 of the red dragons had had a place reserved for them, ready for them for the next 20 years. All 10 borders were named to suit what they were. The fire border, the Ice border, the thunder border, the earth border, the water border, the wind border, the western border and the eastern border. In each of the borders were the dragon clans, of every color. Red, Blue, Green, Black, Blue and many more. Some of which hardly any existed in.

As Ayale lead her kids through the forest, keeping away from the humans, Daza had his little idea of going on by himself. He smirked and jumped to the side, slipping and rolling down the steep forest hill, not really knowing where he was going, being so young he didn't really care either. He kept rolling and soon found himself in a place full of buildings and many, many houses. Filled with big things with fur on the top of their heads. He had stumbled into Ice Cliff Village. A small village that was very remote on it?s border, the ice border. Many people gave glances at him, knowing exactly where he came from, and to stay away from him. They knew his family was savage and would probably destroy the village if anyone went to close to him. Daza?s family had often flown around the village, always with no doubt setting at least one thing on fire with one jet stream of fire. Many of the villagers now were scared of any dragon that crossed their path. In fact all reptiles had been banned from the village altogether.

A child quickly ran up to Daza, touching him on the back. Daza froze as the next five seconds seemed to go for an eternity until finally Daza let out a squeal and started to run around the whole town, completely scared stiff of the 'giant' finger. In his mind he was thinking what the hell was that, that was trying to attack me?! He continued running, until he finally ran into the cliff, over-looking the village. Slowly he sat up, rubbed his short maw and looked up. It was a large icy cliff, at the least a size of 500 feet high. Daza sat there in utter confusion as he looked up. He knew if he became king of this town, he would live up there. He would live up there with his mate. Would there be any mate to live with? He wondered, but he just wanted to be king. He couldn?t wait for the day he was old enough to sit there and be king, watching over his village. Little did he know that what his parents thought was completely different to his thoughts. He could feel a cold breeze run between his paws and under his belly. Quickly he jumped back up and looked around, still shaking from what had just happened.

Loarn sat in the blacksmith, making a small sword for a customer, his hands were covered by two think black heat resistant gloves that protected his hands from the fire. The small sword?s blade was a unique shape, it curved slightly, but had cuts in the side like burn holes, the points on it looked like a tip of a blaze of fire. His dark blue eyes stared at the handle was a dark brown with line grip around it. As a spark flew out of the fire and onto his chest he cursed and jumped up quickly. ?Stupid flame.? He snapped, taking the gloves off his hands. His right hand was scared beyond belief, fire had maimed him more than anyone he?s seen. Blisters still covered it, running up his palm and forefinger was a deep scar, when he was an apprentice blacksmith, he had cut himself whilst cleaning the blade of a long sword. He walked outside and looked around at the approaching crowd. An usher had already jumped in the front to start to calm people down. ?Everyone, calm down! This is only a hatchling. Plus it?s black, how can it be related to those up above?!? The usher yelled above the crowd. ?It doesn?t matter, many dragon offspring are different colors to their parents!? A man yelled out. ?My friend is a dragonologist! He knows a lot about them!? The man added. ?Oh really? Then we should get your friend and ask him what to do.? A woman snapped. ?How can I? He?s over in the eastern border!? The man snapped back. Loarn smirked and walked past the crowd and the usher. He continued walking and stared down at the dragon, bending down to him. ?You?re not dangerous at all, are you little one?? He said, looking into Daza?s light green eyes with his sapphire blue. Daza looked at Loarn, his light green eyes showing confusing. He cocked his head to the side, soon rolling over like a little cat. ?You?re just looking for your mother, aren?t you?? Loarn asked, picking Daza up in his arms. Ignoring the squeals and squirms the young dragon was doing. ?It?s okay. I?m going to take you to your mummy.? Loarn hushed as he started walking towards the main gates.

Many of the people stood back, giving Loarn looks of disapproval and disgust, ?You?ll doom us all Loarn! Our village will be destroyed because of you!? A man snapped. ?Oh please. I will take full responsibility for what happens to the village.? Loarn replied scornfully. ?You better had!? The man snapped as Loarn walked out of the gates. The gates were well woven with metal, making a fire like symbol around it.

The path Loarn walked through was made of yellowish-orange dirt, surrounded by trees and a small metal barring at the bottom, outlining the whole path. The tree?s that surrounded them were quite large, there was a wide array of them, yews, oaks, evergreens. Almost every type of tree known to this border was here. It was as if Daza had found a use for Loarn?s arms, sleeping. He was sleeping soundly, cooning softly. Loarn was laughing a bit as this as he held Daza tight enough for him to hold, but soft enough for it to be comfortable. His arm was leaning against Daza?s left wing; it felt quite soft, leathery like his underbelly, but also like paper. Three bones, surrounded by an ivory black leather coating were showing up in both his wings as his right wing drooped down contently. His membrane was drooping contently between them. During his sleep, Daza leg twitched slightly, blowing smoke out of his nose very now and then. After a couple f hours walking, Loarn and Daza were now in a small forest. Resting up against a tree, Loarn smiled and slid down it, now sitting on the ground. ?Hey, we don?t have a name for you. Do we?? Loarn said happily. Daza slowly opened his eyes, blinking twice. What the?? He asked himself, sitting upright and yawning. ?Do you even understand what I?m saying?? Loarn asked. Daza looked at Loarn inquisitively, cocking his head again. ?Obviously not.? Loarn muttered with disappointment.

There was a slight breeze that became harder so suddenly, followed by ten other little gusts. It was Ayale and the rest of Daza?s siblings. Ayale back winged and landed softly on the ground. ?Well, it seems we have the one who found Daza.? Ayale smirked. ?I didn?t steal your son. I swear. I wanted to return him.? Loarn replied, standing up. ?Don?t. I must thank you for taking him off my hands. Some one that little and scrawny could never rule a village.? Ayale said, smirking all the more. ?What? You?re leaving him?? Loarn snapped, dropping Daza on the floor accidentally. With a slight squeal on his landing, Daza jumped up and ran to his mother, only to be hit in the stomach and thrown into a tree. ?I don?t believe you!? Loarn snapped, unsheathing the short sword from the sheath on his back. The sword was sleek, shining in the sunlight that poured through the trees. ?Oh please. You attack me and you?ll end up in a worse state than him.? Ayale snapped, gesturing to the unconscious Daza that lay on the ground propped up against the tree he was thrown at. Loarn, being wiser than most men his age, sheathed his sword, despite the rage he felt in him. ?Fine.? He finally said, looking to the ground, as if not to challenge the dragon and accepting defeat. Daza?s brothers and sisters all laughed at the now unconscious him. ?Good choice, you?re a smart human.? Ayale said, flying off, while being followed by the others.

Loarn dropped to his knees, looking at the ground. He had come so close to practically having himself and this dragon, which must be named Daza, murdered. Loarn slowly picked himself up and walked over to Daza wearily. He picked him up and frowned, walking through the small forest once more.

Once Daza finally regained his consciousness, he looked around, where?s mummy? He wondered. Loarn looked down to the small dragon. ?I?m sorry Daza. Your mother will never come back for you?.? He said grimly. Daza looked up in shock, tears now filling his eyes. He understood what that did mean and knew that he was now an orphan. Slowly tears ran down his muzzle as he cried, squealing softly. He snuggled into Loarn?s stomach and continued crying. For the next half hour, Loarn continued walking, as Daza cried. Loarn stopped and looked around. In front of them was sunlight, yet behind them was snow. They were passing the border to the earth border. It would be a nice change for both of them to live in the sunlight for a time; instead of being covered in snow. Loarn smiled and walked across the border, feeling the warmth on his skin instantly. Daza looked around and started to croon when he felt the warmth of the sun hit his black scales. It was a sensation not many Ice border dragons felt.

Finally they reached an old hut, it was old and shabby, about 10 feet high, the door hung off it?s hinges and planks of wood lay on the floor. The roof was covered in holes from the rain, moss hung from it. The wood was a dark brown, the door was black. The color had mixed around due to the rain, which darkened the color quite a bit. ?It seems we?ll have to fix this place up. This is our new home.? Loarn said, looking down to Daza with a slight smile. Daza smiled with a sniff and jumped down out of Loarn?s arms. Before Loarn set of to fix the door, he bent down to Daza and petted him on the head, ?I guess I?ll have to be your guardian. Won?t I?? He said with a smile. With that Loarn stood up and started work on the door. Daza walked around gathering more wood of any kind he could find, having no idea what Fire Wood actually was.

A few hours later and Loarn had finished patching everything on the hut up, only falling through the roof twice. A few hours later Loarn had finished patching everything on the hut up, only falling through the roof twice. Daza smiled and walked in the door, which was propped open by a rock. Inside was still quite damp, covered in moss. A red carpet lay in the middle of the hut, ruined by water and sunlight. The furniture was covered in mould, half wrecked. Foam hung out of the sides. On the far left were some chairs and a table, next to a dampened fireplace. ?Well, this place is kind of shabby. But it?ll do.? Loarn commented, setting up a small nest at the end of a bed, big enough to just fit himself in. Daza smiled and jumped into the nest happily. Snuggling down he smiled and fell to sleep once more.

Back in Daza?s home cave, Ayale had sat in her nest and was watching her children play around. Drelo landed at the entrance of the large cave, and walked into it, meeting his mate. ?We?re missing Daza. You killed him?? He asked. ?Not exactly, I orphaned him.? Ayale replied standing up and stretching. ?You stupid, stupid dragon!? Drelo snapped. ?Do you know what he?ll do once he?s old enough? He?ll seek us out and kill us all!? He snapped. ?No need to worry. He?s living with a human. He?ll be as weak as one.? Ayale replied calmly. ?Oh really? Well, the human may train him. The human will know what happened and will tell him.? Drelo snapped. Something clicked in Ayale and she thought of what could happen. She had to prevent it, before it was too late. ?I will make sure of it then. I will be back with the head of Daza and the human.? She snapped, running outside and taking flight.?I will find them. I will kill them.? She said, flying off. Drelo smirked and looked at his children playing. ?They should be alright for a couple of hours.? He said, quickly following his mate.

Loarn and Daza had set down to sleep; Daza had crawled up onto Loarn?s chest, happily sprawled out on him. Being 5 feet long, he had a lot of space to sprawl out on. The pillow which lay under Loarn?s head was flat and hard than a new one. They were going to the closest town to buy some supplies, the closest town being in the fire border.

Waking up abruptly, Loarn shot up, forcing Daza to wake up and roll down to his lap. ?I heard a noise?.? Loarn commented, looking to Daza who had jumped off is lap and was now scowling at him. ?Sorry, but I think there?s someone outside.? Loarn said, standing up and walking to the door. ?I don?t know if you understand me or not, but you have to stay here no matter what.? He added, opening the door. Outside stood the two red dragons Drelo and Ayale. ?We have come for our son.? Drelo said, looking down at Loarn. ?Where is he?!? Ayale snapped. ?I don?t know. I let him go. He?s walking about this forest as we speak. He could even be dead.? Loarn lied. ?Don?t give us that.? Drelo snapped back. ?We know he?s with you. We can smell his scent.? He added. Loarn scowled and reached for his sword, unsheathing it straight away. ?If you want him, you?ll have to get through me.? He snapped, moving his feet to get his ground.

Ayale smirked, ?That will be easy.? She said, moving foreword. Loarn quickly jumped past Ayale, slicing her in the eye. Blood and small bits of flesh fell to the ground rapidly. In a few more strokes, more blood started pouring from Ayale?s stomach, blending in with her red scales. Loarn smirked and looked back to Ayale, his sword still raised in defense. ?That is what you must deal with.? He said, turning his body around. ?Would you like me to finish it? Or should I give you a shot?? he asked, walking around to Ayale?s head. Ayale shuddered and swiftly threw her claw at him. Loarn was hit to the ground, after twirling in the air from a swipe in the face. A small trickle of blood ran down Loarn?s face as he sat up in a daze. Grabbing his fallen sword his stared into Ayale?s eyes and threw his sword straight at her chest. It hit and then bounced off. ?You?ll have to do better than that. Unlike most dragons, those of royal heritage have gained a plate of amour under our chest scales. Which is, impenetrable.? She smirked rubbing her chest, which only had a light scratch on it. Loarn sat there, a fearful look in his eyes. His lips quivered, the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end.

Hearing a snap, Loarn, Ayale and Drelo all looked behind them. A draconic silhouette was all they could see. Two light green eyes watched what was going on ahead of it. In the light, it?s scales shined and it's eyes glimmered. Two horns on the back of it's head, straight as sticks, two long ears sat under the horns. It was another dragon, the colour of it seemed white, but from the distance people would be unsure or what colour it was. The silhouette moved foreword slowly, it?s tail lashing from side to side. "Is there any trouble here?" it asked, it's voice traveled along the path it was facing, a soft, young voice. Ayale turned around and looked to the dragon. "You, Who are you?!" she snapped. ?Agrela, the white dragon of Dragon Shores." The white dragon announced. "Would you like to be the dead dragon of Dragon Shores instead?" Ayale asked, charging for the white dragon. "What the---?" Suddenly and quickly, Agrela couldn't speak, he could hardly breathe. Blood poured out onto Ayale's horn. She smirked in triumph. "I guess so." She said, throwing the now dead dragon to the ground. "That is what we'll do to you. You cannot change the inevitable." She said, looking at Loarn. Drelo had now turned around to his mate and was now smirking. "We shall see what they have to say about that." He said.

Staring in horror, Loarn was amazed at how this dragon had just murdered it?s own kind. ?You? You monster!? He shouted, rolling to his sword, picking it up and getting off the floor. ?You will pay for that you foul beasts!? He snapped, taking yet another swing at Ayale?s head. He hit three times, one on the neck and two on her maw. The hit on her neck cut her throat, blood quickly filled her lungs and she fell to the ground, as lifeless as Agrela. Her eyes were open, she was dead.

Drelo was outraged, he scowled at Loarn and backing up and outstretching his wings, going into a hover. ?We will meet again human! Mark my words. We will meet, and that shall be the end of your life on this realm!? He said, flying away in a pit of anger. The gust that Drelo left forced Loarn to fall back on his feet. Blood now dripped all over the ground, from Ayale and Agrela. Loarn sighed and stood up, walking over to Agrela. ?Poor soul. So young.? Loarn commented as he started to slowly dig a grave with the hilt his sword. ?I am so sorry, Agrela.? He said as he finished the grave after a couple of hours.

Daza slowly walked out, walking past Ayale?s hide to Loarn. Wonder what happened? He thought to himself, looking up to his guardian. Tears welled up in Loarn?s eyes as he lowered the white dragon into the small grave. ?I cannot believe what those dragons did?? He muttered, covering the grave with the dirt. Daza helped by pushing little chunks in aswell, unknowing of what had just happened. ?Daza, this?. Is? Death.? Loarn said grimly. Daza cocked his head and looked at Loarn inquisitively. ?I wish you could understand. Maybe in a few years.? Loarn said, picking Daza up and walking into the hut.

That night, Loarn had roasted up some of Ayale?s hide. Working over a furnace all day had also helped with his cooking skills, making an exquisite meal for both of them.
The fireplace roared with life as Daza and Loarn ate their fill. With Ayale?s hide outside, they would have food for quite sometime. Gratefully, Daza licked his lips and smiled at Loarn, in a means of saying ?thank you?; ?You?re very welcome, Daza.? Loarn smiled, finishing his plate. Daza curled up on the small nest that was there when they moved in and shut his eyes. A few towels had been put down for comfort, but Daza lazily draped his wings over the side of it. His tail and head were neatly tucked up beside his body. Loarn smiled and stretched in his chair. ?Bit tired are we?? he laughed. ?I think after the day we?ve both had, I might hit the hay aswell.? He laughed, getting up out of his seat. He snuffed the fire with a bucket of water and groped his way to bed, crawling under the blankets and falling asleep.