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Thread: new and rare items off teir 5 and 6 mobs seem to be related ot SoG

  1. #1

    Default new and rare items off teir 5 and 6 mobs seem to be related ot SoG

    i notice that the flameslinger jewlery doesn't specify which schools can wear. i asume it's mage but i would like to confirm that only mage can wear.

    also would like to add tha the energy jewlery doesn't include choas warrior as a useable school when it get's energy skill advance per lvl.

    just a thougth but should be some nature jewlery in there somewhere. : )

    weapons weapons weapons is all i want can't seem to get them tho good ones anyway. killed countless amounts of fyakkis got 3 maces of divine intervention and2 summoners pendants. wondering if there is a set loot for each type of teir 6 spawn fro instense, do fyakkis only drop the maces ? and do purple flies drop somethign else? if anyone has any info reguarding these new weapons i would love to hear it. confirm that somethign other then SoG ,which is getting camped, drops the good stuff like the staff, demongii, and axe.

  2. #2

    Default Re: new and rare items off teir 5 and 6 mobs seem to be related ot SoG

    T6 Mobs: Any second tier rares such as Zealot, Mace of divine intervention, The Rancor. Set Necklaces.
    T5 Mobs: Set Rings, Set Earrings.
    SOG: The good stuff.
    12x100. <-- I did monk!
    Twelvebagger's Mistress (pinkie!)
    Redo the loot tables and bring on the undead hordes! (*Hands Beer to NimK)

  3. #3

    Default Re: new and rare items off teir 5 and 6 mobs seem to be related ot SoG

    good to know twelve thanks for the reply. and to think i had given up on good Ol' SoG. was in a group killign himtoday logged tankster out to get goldy in and servers won't let me in hehe. i think i am cursed when it comes to that big ugly kwellen : P

  4. #4

    Default Re: new and rare items off teir 5 and 6 mobs seem to be related ot SoG

    Server is down temporarily. Trust me, you didn't want to go fight him right after the patch, half of your abilities wouldn't have worked :)
    12x100. <-- I did monk!
    Twelvebagger's Mistress (pinkie!)
    Redo the loot tables and bring on the undead hordes! (*Hands Beer to NimK)

  5. #5

    Default Re: new and rare items off teir 5 and 6 mobs seem to be related ot SoG

    ok 2 type of weapon like mace,zealot and rancor is not fair at all
    there is a lot much others school and which weapon he can use only crafted one

    zealot is pala only
    rancor is warrior,cleric,zerker or reaver or so i forget other
    mace is healer only

    so question is where is weapon for druid, bow class like scout-ranger-elar, spiritis,mage and etc etc

    i will be very happy to see other weapond for other school or shield or armor

    its nice to see jew set but i have 7 or 8 different neclace but noone earrings or ring
    so 7-8 jew set and 3 weapons isnt fair

    thats my oppinion

  6. #6

    Default Re: new and rare items off teir 5 and 6 mobs seem to be related ot SoG

    I wonder why is the good stuff only SoG? I mean if you have to be grouped then who gets the items? I was out one time and was with a group. I killed as many creatures as everyone else. I happened to loot a zealot, but was told that one person was holding the items so I gave it to them. A few more were looted. Then when it was all said and done I got nothing!

    I wasn't very happy about it, but left it alone and didn't mention it.

    Later the person that had the item just turned around into the market place and sold it, then I was furious.

    I now ask for the loot rules whenever I group, if I don't like them then I don't group.

    My concern is shouldn't an adventurer be rewarded for soloing? I obviously cannot solo SoG. I don't know who can? But I think it would be nice if a special item dropped based on your level and the level of what you kill. Of course not evertime you kill, but once and a while would be nice. I have not grouped in a longtime and I can tell you have not gotten one rare or set item since then.


  7. #7

    Default Re: new and rare items off teir 5 and 6 mobs seem to be related ot SoG

    SoG is solo able just gotta have alot of patience a bucket fro bio breaks and motion sickness pills fro the constant runnign around in circles from kyteing for 3 hours. but heh it can be done.
    i think teir 6 mobs in genereal should drop better stuff. i'm guessing that your hunting mostly teir 6 mobs that's why you have so many necklesses or " pendents " . need to kill teir 5 mobs for rings and earings.

    should be able to get all the weapons off teir 6 mobs no doubt about it. should be a better chance off geting it off SoG then off teir 6 mobs but as it is now you have no chance of getting the axe, staff or DEMONJIIIof a teir 6 mob.

  8. #8

    Default Re: new and rare items off teir 5 and 6 mobs seem to be related ot SoG

    LOL, yea I dont think I can take the motion sickness. I have vertugo as it is. Although I havent seen the SoG of current. I am a berserker/warrior. So I doubt I could kill him. I don't have heals that I can cast over and over.


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