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Thread: Metaniono: The Epilogue

  1. #1

    Default Metaniono: The Epilogue

    Draxxis soared over Lesser Aradoth, taking in the sights below with a look of distain. He could recall with great accuracy how he spent his time hunting the "Walking firewood" in the old forest below. That was before the Dryads, like Plink, took it upon themselves to "beautify" his island. Despite how much time Draxxis spent in solitude, there was an aspect of it that he hated. When he was alone with nothing but his mind to keep him company, he could not escape his thoughts and feelings. Those were things he dreaded more than a hundred Shadow Dragons. So he often kept himself occupied when he was alone, allowing him to focus everything on a single task, leaving no room for distracting "feelings"

    With much on his mind, Draxxis circled the forest north of the Lake of Crystal Tears, and spotted a particularly arrogant tree. It was stretching it's branches and leaves in a mocking gesture - obviously challenging the mighty Red Dragon. Swooping down towards it on a sharp angle, Draxxis tensed his limbs and struck out at many branches on his way down. He felt the bark tear easily under his talons, but knew that the tree was imbued with the powerful magic of the Dryads. It would regenerate quickly. Hitting the ground, Draxx raised himself onto his hind legs and expelled his fiery breath against the trunk. He growled as he watched the tree fail to catch fire, moist with life and vigor. Falling onto all fours, he spun in a great arc, smashing his tail into the side of the oversized plant. The tree shook with the force, and some leaves floated to the ground - Draxx however, regretted his attack and winced in pain. He snarled loudly, and quickly looked around to make sure none had seen the tree's victory.

    Huffing with his bruised tail and ego, Draxxis leapt into the air and with a powerful downbeat was quickly soaring through the air towards his volcano lair. He scanned the ground below him, carefully looking for any other arrogant plants that dare challenge him. As he flew above the fork in the road that led up to the volcano, he smelt a putrid stench and scowled as he veered towards the source. "Aegis..."

    He dipped below the canopy, staying between the massive trees as he sped along side the road. He could see a group of skeletons and ghosts, led by a Lieutenant, stalking along the path. They would be no match for a Lunus like Draxxis, and he knew it full well. He turned slightly, plotting a course to intercept the patrol in clearing up ahead. He kept his eye on them as he drew closer, and waited for them to appear again as one of the huge trees blocked them from view. When the tree passed from his line of sight, Draxxis stiffened in flight - caught off guard by what he suddenly saw. There was a hatchling in the midst of the patrol, clawing fiercely and enduring blows from their blighted weapons. There was no mistaking the color of scales and poise of which the hatchling fought. Draxxis would never forget such a dragon.


    The distraction was severe, and before he know what was going on Draxx was caught in the branches of a huge tree. He struggled and began to bounce from limb to limb like a sack of heavy rocks. Hitting the ground, Draxx growled in frustration and sprinted towards where he last saw the Aegis and hatchling. As he ran, he could feel his chest begin to grow warm. It wasn't from the fire within that fueled his breath, but something else. Something different.

    "He's alive!"

    It was about a week ago that Draxxis had last seen the hatchling, battling the Aegis alone on his way to the Peak of Storms. Draxxis had landed among the combat and assisted the hatchling with combat, though the hatchling had said he wanted no help. Draxxis had respected him for that, but was not going to let a hatchling have all the glory of vanquishing the Aegis. He had turned away from the hatchling for a moment, and when he looked back he saw Elial the Hunter standing victorious over Metaniono, who was now dead. Draxxis had left the Peak to find the hatchling and plan another attempt to ascend to the Peak. He had traveled by gate to the major cities of Istaria, but did not find the brave hatchling. Draxxis then questioned every dragon and naka-duskel he came across, but none had heard of or seen a Gifted hatchling by the description given. After a few days, Draxxis was forced to admit the truth. The hatchling was not Gifted like he assumed, and was dead. The guilt of that had consumed him since then, sapping his resolve and convictions on many things. But all of that had changed in the span of a few minutes. Now, Draxxis had found the hatchling.

    He reached the small clearing where he last saw Metaniono, but there was no sign of him or the Aegis. Looking around, Draxxis reasoned the small dragon had learned a valuable lesson from his trip to the Peak, and had no doubt retreated when he realized the Aegis' numbers were superior. He bounded fast along the trail, grinning in genuine delight and his mind raced with this discovery. Never before in his life had Draxxis felt so blessed to have been so wrong.

    "Now I shall train him proper. Forge him into the powerful weapon I know he can be. Brave enough, yes, but he lacks some discipline and wisdom. He will become a force the Aegis will not wish to reckon with!"

    In the back of his mind, Draxxis couldn't believe he was saying such great things about another dragon. The rest of him however, was too exuberate to care. It was more than the simple guilt being banished. Draxxis respected the young hatchling, and was truly happy to know it was alive and well. A feeling of relief and concern for another, made him feel stronger than he would have ever thought before. Had he not been so ecstatic, he might have recalled Plink's words about "power".

    After some time on the path, Draxxis began to wonder when he would catch up with the hatchling and the Aegis that were pursuing him. "He may be faster than the Aegis, but I am much faster than them both." Thus he pushed himself a harder to catch up, as concern began to take hold. As he rounded a final turn and approached the fork in the road, Draxxis froze and skidded to a halt. On the other side of a living arch, made from the roots of a tree, were the Aegis. Walking slowly at a measured pace. There was no pursuit. They seemed obviously of anything around them. Confused, Draxx began to reflect on what happened. Slowly, a cold chill crept along his spine as realization set it.

    Metaniono did not fight the Aegis. He recalled the words of those he questioned while he searched for the hatchling. Nobody had heard of him. They found his name odd, even for a dragon. Now, Draxxis wondered if he even fought along side the hatchling. Though he didn't understand why or how these things happened, Draxxis knew there was no need to. It simply was. He stared for a long time as the Aegis walked off. He felt no rage, only the calm peace that comes with accepting a truth that has been refused for so long.

    "I will never forget you, Metaniono"

  2. #2

    Default Re: Metaniono: The Epilogue


    It's not how I would have wrote it, but that's why I didn't write it. :)

    I really like it. Maybe we should gather them all together and do one post or something... Nah, that'd be too long...

  3. #3

    Default Re: Metaniono: The Epilogue

    hm.. very nice

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