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Thread: Cero and Awdz

  1. #1

    Default Cero and Awdz

    Awdz stowed her carpentry hammer after placing another 3 brace units on the guildhouse. The crafting was going slowly; she was not very efficient at it yet, but at least she was making progress.

    Stretching, Awdz let out a low groan from her tired muscles, and decided it was time for some relaxation... and there was one in particular with whom she would like to unwind. Calling to Sir Cero, she asked him to meet her at a remote spot on the border between icy Kirasanct and burning Dralk. Awdz made her way to where the ice melted upon meeting the lava, forming a wide pool of warm water that got no deeper than her shoulders. She found it fascinating how one could select their preferred temperature by sitting closer to the icy side or the lava side. Spotting Cero as he approached, she dug quickly into her pack. "I was hoping you would let me bathe you, I find it helps me relax - which I can certainly use about now - but I cannot scrub through armor, so would you be willing to wear these?" Pulling out a pair of shorts adorned with hearts, Awdz handed them to Cero. "I need to get some items I have stowed nearby, I will be right back." With that, Awdz scampered over a hill, leaving Cero looking bemusedly at the shorts. Cero changed into the shorts and waded into a comfortable spot in the pool by the time Awdz returned. Awdz was now dressed in a soft cotton shift and carrying a satchel. Reaching in, she pulled out sandstone mixed with flax blossoms. "You will have to sit so I can reach your head, if you do not mind?" Awdz looked at Cero expectantly. At that, Cero promptly sat and made himself comfortable. Awdz began with gently massaging the scrub into Cero's scalp, then ducked his head under the water to rinse it. "Hey!" Cero came up spluttering. "Oops, sorry, forgot to warn you!" Awdz replied, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. Without missing a beat, she began rubbing the scrub across Cero's shoulders, working her way slowly down his back. When she got to the bottom of his back, she pulled him backwards so he went underwater again. Cero, a bit more wary now, grabbed Awdz and ducked her under as he went in. Both came up gasping for breath and laughing at the other. "Hey, I was just trying to rinse you!" Awdz protested feebly. Scooping up more of the scrub, she tackled his arms, chest, and legs, "rinsing" each as they were scrubbed, unsuccessfully trying to avoid Cero's splashing her in return. Thoroughly soaked by the time Cero was clean, Awdz clambered out of the pool and pulled out soft dry kenaf towels. After using one on herself, she offered it to Cero, who picked up a towel of his own to dry off with. Giggling, Awdz snapped the towel at Cero, missing him by a length. Awdz reached again into her satchel and pulled out a jar filled with flax blooms from Kion, cottonseed oil from Mahagra, and lillies from ruxus mountain. "I find this helps keep my hands softer after crafting, and is nice all over after a bath," Awdz stated. With that, she proceeded to massage the lotion tenderly but firmly into Cero's back, arms, chest and legs, enjoying his physique and marveling at the strength in his sinewy muscles. As she finished applying the lotion, she cleaned off her hands on her towel, and twirled a lock of Cero's hair around her finger. "I feel much refreshed now, and you?" Awdz looked into Cero's eyes, happier now than she had been in weeks. "I really needed that to unwind, and I thank you for coming." Gathering up her things, Awdz scampered off into the hills, turning at the top to wink mischievously at Cero in hopes he might give chase. Cero stood chuckling as Awdz scurried amongst the rocks and crested the mountain ridge, vanishing on the other side. As he took up his gear and ran quietly behind her, he wondered to himself if she had any idea how refreshing her gnomish baths were. As he topped the ridge, he felt as though he could face any challenge; in fact many of his fondest memories of either brave, or silly, things he had tried often involved a certain blue-haired gnome. Casting his gaze amongst the tall maples in the valley, his notions were soon confirmed; Awdz stood dutifully at the base of a fine specimen of tree, hacking mercilessly at it with an axe. My axe? Cero chuckled, knowing how much work it had done for him, and could only imagine how many more trees fell to it in her capable hands. He stalked slowly down the jagged rocks, careful to mind his shadow and his scent in her presence; the lovely Ranger could be as sharp as the fyakki's talons she often faced in combat. As she made short work of the tree, Cero decided it time to return some of the gnomish playfulness he so adored. Hiding behind a bush, he set his bow at his feet and began concentrating on the tree. With a slight wiggle of his fingers and a wink, he attempted to use his powers to Spellbind the tree. His ability to hold the beasts of Istaria motionless were well known; why then should he not be able to hold something meant to be motionless? His concentration unwavering, it was all he could do not to laugh uproariously as Awdz stood scratching her head, pacing the rim of the tree in awe as it stood rigid. She passed her arm through the huge chunk she had removed, wondering if perhaps some invisible force were there that could be pushed out. She hacked at the tree again, this time from the other side, until the massive maple stood transfixed with only the finest sinew of wood balanced atop an hourglass of fiber. By now the master carpenter was truly confounded. The great tree occasionally creaked and groaned, but Cero knew from experience he could sit here and mind this tree stand forever if he so wished. Awdz pushed, shoved, and kicked at the tree; the axe having been tossed at her feet in frustration. Cero could contain himself no longer; he grabbed his bow, focused his thoughts on the tree once more, and stood. "Having problems Miss?", he shouted, now smiling ear to ear. "YOU!", Awdz shouted, both irritated and amused now. Cero drew his arrow carefully, and winked at Awdz. "Better not to stand too close, no way of knowing which way it will fall!" And with that, he loosed the arrow, releasing the tree from his spell as it impacted the fine thread seemingly holding up the entire tree. With a snap, it began to fall, slowly at first, then thundering down to the ground opposite Awdz. As he neared the small gnome, she gave him a playful push, and went about dragging the tree to the woodshop. Smiling, Cero took up the other end, and they carried the tree together. He did not know if Awdz's magic was at work, but oddly enough the two different races worked in perfect harmony despite their obvious height differences. Cero didn't care; he was helping his blue-haired angel, and would do so well into the night, having brought out his huge disk gifted him when he became a centurion Armorer, and fashioning himself some crude tools from steel. He smiled as they worked, and often smiled as Awdz commented on the sweet scent that often tickled her nose; he had taken to forging all his metals with flax oil imbued into the bars. As always, he wondered if she knew just how much of an impact she had on him... Awdz finished the latest load of maple with a satisfied smile, then watched Cero pack up his disk. Cero's help was invaluable, and she wished she could do more to thank him. Stuffing her cobalt tools into her pack, she remembered that she never had returned his excellent steel tools after finishing her oak work. Splat! Awdz hit Cero with a large snowball, laughed mischievously and took off for Mahagra. Cero startled at the cold hit, then took up the chase. As the terrain changed to snowy hills, Awdz stopped to make a snow angel. Cero caught up, scooped up a handful of snow, and beaned Awdz with it as she made wings in the snow. "Hey! No fair, I'm making a snow angel!" Awdz protested. Cero chuckled and helped Awdz up, only to get beaned himself with another snowball. A merry chase ensued, until Awdz tried taking refuge in a snow-covered oak tree. Cero easily targeted her through the branches with each snowball he tossed. Awdz, chagrined with her poor choice of cover, retaliated in the only way she effectively could: she shook the snow-covered branches so that a small avalanche landed on Cero. Cero shook the snow out of his face in time to see Awdz slipping out of the tree and running for Gwillimena's house. Quietly he snuck around to the house from another direction, only to get rooted by a very watchful Awdz. She ran up, beeped his nose, and said, "Come on inside, I think I have your tools stored in here, and I need to get out of this sweaty crafting gear. Care to get a fire going in the fireplace while I change?" Letting Cero and herself into Gwill's house, Awdz headed into another room while Cero set to the task of putting logs in the fireplace and summoning his magic to start flames licking the wood. Awdz emerged in clean clothes, smiled at the warm fire Cero started both in the fireplace and in her heart, and headed to the kitchen. "Care for some hot cocoa?" Awdz got a kettle going and rummaged through Gwill's cupboards. "Ooh!" Awdz pulled out peppermint sticks and popcorn in addition to the cocoa. "I love stirring my cocoa with a peppermint stick, and we can make some popcorn too!" Awdz gave the cocoa and peppermint sticks to Cero, pulled out some mugs and a pot from the cupboards, and started cooking the popcorn on the stove. Cero promptly used the cocoa in the mugs to make perfectly chocolately drinks, and carefully placed one peppermint stick alongside each mug. Awdz picked up a mug and began stirring the contents with a peppermint stick. As it melted in the hot cocoa, Awdz took a deep drink. "Mmmmm, perfect... just like the one who made it!" Cero blushed and helped himself to the other mug, enjoying the warm drink after playing in the cold snow. While the popcorn popped away, Awdz pulled out a blanket which she spread near the fire, and plopped down on it. "Come watch the fire?" she invited Cero to sit near her. She watched his muscular physique with pleasure as Cero brought his mug and carefully sat while sipping more cocoa. Just as he got settled, Awdz jumped up. "The popcorn!" Awdz ran back to the kitchen, opened the windows, and took the smoking pot off the stove. "Aww crumblies... Well, I think I can salvage about half of it... You stay put!" she ordered Cero. Amused, Cero obediently stayed put and sipped more cocoa as he listened to Awdz banging about in the kitchen. Shortly Awdz returned with a small bowl of popcorn. "It's a bit more buttery and salty than usual, since half the batch was thrown away, and I measured the same as usual of butter and salt," Awdz explained as she sat next to Cero. "Open up!" Awdz tossed a piece of popcorn which hit Cero on the nose. Cero grinned, and caught the next several pieces Awdz tossed at him, barely managing not to gag on the heavy salt. Cero took the bowl from Awdz and tossed popcorn for her to catch; she seemed to savor the overseasoning. Eventually, the popcorn and cocoa consumed, they sat back to just gaze at the dancing flames of the fire. Awdz leaned her head on Cero's shoulder, and time stopped. A moment of perfect contentment, feeling like it has always been and always will be, filled her senses. Awdz knew she would treasure the time with her beloved Cero always. Awdz awoke alone, wrapped in the blanket before the now cold fireplace. The dishes from the night before were already cleared and the room straightened. Sleepily she sat up, and her gaze fell upon the ashes. A contented smile formed on her face as she remembered the warmth that danced across her flesh in the light of that fire the night before. She wondered if Cero had any idea how intensely she missed him when they were apart... Rising, Awdz headed to the kitchen for klava to help her face the new day. There, she was delighted by a single flax bloom left on the table next to a peppermint stick.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Cero and Awdz

    Awdz paused in her search, scanning the surroundings for the tell-tale traces of Cero's passage. His was a difficult trail to follow, as his scouting skills were unsurpassed and he took care not to disturb the countryside; yet her ranger skills were unsurpassed as well. Despite losing his faint trail more than once, she had followed it far into the wilderness and knew she must be nearing her goal. In a small copse she discovered it: the tanned hide of a ruxus strung between two trees, with the remains of a small fire close by, and the faint smell of flax on the air. Little signs suggested he would be back; there was a tightly wrapped bedroll tucked out of the weather, a small pile of dry wood nearby, and most notably, a small bag of foodstuffs strung in the branches of a tree. Awdz pictured Cero easily shooting an arrow to place the rope around the high branch and smiled; she knew he would not climb up there unless strongly coaxed. Looking around, Awdz wondered why he insisted on staying out in the cold when he would be welcome in the warm homes of the Scions anytime. Much as she would like him by her side, she would not have him there except by his choice, and so she would respect his decision... But that would not stop her from giving him little surprises. Climbing easily up the tree, she retrieved the bag of foodstuffs and exchanged it for a larger one, adding to its contents: fresh carrots, apples, gruok jerky (with just a little bit of spun sugar to go on it), minnow kabobs, pumpkin pie, venison, grapes, and a peppermint stick. With the larger bag stuffed full enough to strain the seams, she carefully placed it in the exact position where she had found the smaller bag. Slipping down the tree, Awdz next added to the woodpile, tripling its size. She then dug into her pack and pulled out a soft, silk-lined cotton blanket that she had commissioned; it had an intricate embroidery of arrows and flax blossoms inter-twined. In her eyes, the exquisite craftmanship was almost worthy of Cero's use, and she carefully redid the bedroll with it wrapped inside. As a final touch, she strung flax blossoms on the underside of the ruxus hide. Satisfied with her handiwork, Awdz decided she would like to see Cero's reaction to her surprises, but would not intrude uninvited. Making an effort to hide her final trail, she climbed up a nearby tree from which she could survey the area but not easily be seen. Settling comfortably into her perch, she awaited his arrival. Perhaps if he fell asleep without noticing her, she could creep down quietly and twirl a lock of his hair around her finger, or trace his intriguing round ear, before she headed back.... Cero trudged up the mountainside slowly, sweating despite the frigid air and cool breeze. He had spent days stalking down the trails carved in the rock, observing the deer which roamed in the forests below. He had taken to spending his time quietly, learning of nature and the value of life, rather than taking it mindlessly. His bow was of course at his side, his arrows sharp as ever; but it was his fingers that did all the work lately, drawing and doodling the little woodland creatures he observed. As he came within sight of his encampment, he cocked his head slightly; something just didn't seem right. He glanced around cautiously, wary of the tricksters of Istaria both Gifted and otherwise. Deciding it was his imagination, he meandered to the leftover wood from the night before and struck up a fire; he hadn't noticed the pile's size until he reached for another log. Grinning widely, he set the log upon the blaze, and fished through his satchel, which he kept hidden even from himself behind some rocks in a tree's nook. He set about squirting some of his fresh milk into the old pot, and placed it over the fire, hung from a small limb. Into this he added some fine ground cocoa which he himself picked and ground; some sugar, a gift from an old friend; and a dash of honey from the old bottle Baiona had made him secretly. As he stirred the concoction, he hummed quietly, smiling as the scent caught his nose and surely wafted high into the air. "My, I seem to have made a bit much sweet cocoa..shame..", his voice trailed off as he sat back against the tree, leaving one empty porcelain mug at his side. He sipped as loudly as he could, followed by various sounds of contentment and relaxation. If his blue-haired angel was indeed about, her hijinx and often lavish attention would be a welcome sight indeed. Awdz chuckled, recognizing Cero's statement about too much cocoa for the invitation it was. Slipping gently down from her high perch, she made her way quietly over to where he sat, wincing at every noise she made despite his noisy drinking, for she knew Cero would pick up on the slightest sound. Approaching his side, she reached out and twirled a lock of his hair around her finger: "What might a person do to get some warm cocoa around here?" Cero winked devilishly at that, and sipped another warm dram of cocoa. "Why Lady Bodkins, what a surprise! For you dear, one must simply come calling!" He reached forward and poured a tall cup, taking care not to fill it so full that the peppermint stick stirrer would cause it to overflow. He ate several of the marshmallows before they made it to her cup. Offering the steaming mug to her, he feigned surprise as best, and obviously, as he could. "If I had known I would have company I would have made proper arrangements!" He smiled warmly as he leaned back against the tree, clearing a spot of turf for Awdz to sit at his side. "Why thank you!" Awdz graciously accepted the proffered mug and proceeded to sit... bumping clumsily into Cero such that she wound up sitting against him, though she did not spill the least drop of her cocoa. "Oops, sorry!" She stirred the contents of her cup and took a long delicious drink. "Mmmm, perfect -just like the one who made it!" Awdz smiled at Cero. "But I need another marshmallow." She leaned across Cero for the marshmallows, and popped a couple into his mouth as she sat back. Settling in again, she sighed contentedly and gazed at the fire. "I was wondering why you stayed out here so much with comfortable houses available back in town, but at the moment, I cannot imagine anywhere I would prefer to be than here." Awdz clinked her mug against Cero's in a little toast to camping out, and took another drink. Cero tensed ever so slightly, alert to the incoming danger an instant before Awdz was. Simultaneously bows were drawn and arrows loosed at the snarling dire wolves that leapt into the campsite. In a few short moments, the wolves lay dead on the ground, and each archer took a deep breath as they scanned the area for more threats. ?Not exactly the quietest of nooks, is this?? Awdz teased Cero. Cero chuckled in return, ?I have plenty of opportunities to reflect on the forest life? and to cleanse it of blight when needed.? Each archer carefully placed their bow back out of the way but within easy reach, and set to clearing the carcasses from the area. The two fell into an easy rhythm, each one?s movements complementing the other?s. In a trice, no trace of the battle remained. Cero rebuilt the fire while Awdz picked up her mug of cocoa and finished the contents. Settling back down against the tree, Cero indicated the spot of turf again available for Awdz?s use. Awdz placed her mug down and walked to Cero?s side. Sighing wistfully, she did not sit, but took a moment to trace his ear in fascination. ?Much as I would love to stay with you, I am expected back,? Awdz said softly. ?I wish you the greatest happiness and the best of everything, and will always give you what I can. Perhaps if you came to town we could dally longer? but for now, duty calls me.? Masking his disappointment, Cero sat easily and tugged on one of Awdz?s braids. ?Well miss, I will not promise to go there, but I will think of it, and especially of you. Good luck on the construction!? With quick hug followed by a final caress of Cero?s cheek, Awdz headed back to town.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Cero and Awdz

    Awdz silently crept toward Cero's campsite, her pack full of niceties for him that were hard to come by in the wilderness. Signs pointed to his being there, particularly the small fire apparently banked for the night. Hearing him stir in his sleep, Awdz froze, not wanting to wake him just yet. Cero woke, suddenly alert that something was nearby, but not moving a muscle to give away his position. Listening carefully, he could sense there were no enemies about; then the slightest of footfalls gave her away, and Cero smiled. Feigning sleep, he repositioned slightly, and smiled again to hear Awdz stop briefly at his stirring. If she did not wish to disturb him, he would certainly play along for now... Awdz continued toward the hide lean to where Cero lay. Unsure if he was still asleep, she was certain that at some level he knew she was there. Noiselessly she stole up to him, smiling at how handsome he was even in sleep, and pleased to see him making use of the blanket she had brought before. Almost unable to stop herself, Awdz leaned over Cero with her nose just below and behind his ear, and inhaled deeply of his delicious scent. Realizing that he must be feigning sleep now, she gently nibbled the very bottom of his ear lobe. Cero cringed ever so slightly at the attention; were he a kitten he may have lay there and purred for a bit. But being human, he sat up with a start, and wide-eyed, grinned widely at the attractive gnome huntress kneeling beside him. "Why Miss Bodkins!", he muttered, the devilish charm all too apparent and not doing well to convince her he was indeed upset at all. "Why if this is how you wake your comrades I shall have to make camp outside your front door." He winked quickly, unable to wipe the smile from his lips. He thought for a moment how silly he would look to anyone else, residing in a well hidden yet maintained campsite, master Scout, wrapped in a flaxen scented throw. He chuckled at the thought, and wondered how long it would be until Awdz brought along one of her friends for a visit, be it for teasing or chatting. "I am afraid I have not risen for the day yet, and thus have no goodies to offer in the way of refreshment", he said. "If you like, I would be happy to make some breakfast; I've some fresh pork, and intend to fry it with a bit of honey and maple syrup. Seems I found a use for my sap spigot from my alchemical studies." Not being one to be shy, or turn down a chance for being mischievous, he stood, and strode nude across the camp to where his garment and armor lie resting against a tree. Grabbing for his greaves, he wondered which would come first, her gasp of astonishment or her giggles of knowing his ways. Awdz stifled a gasp and blushed deeply as she realized Cero wore not a stitch of clothing under his blanket, and for a moment just enjoyed his handsome figure. Then, realizing that he was intentionally putting her on the spot, she dug quickly into her pack for a snowball and pummeled his bare backside with it. ?Hey!? Cero yelped. Awdz giggled mischievously as Cero started from the sudden cold, and then ducked as he threw a scooped handful of snow back at her. Scurrying for cover, she laughed at him trying to follow at first with one leg in his greaves and one out, until he quickly finished donning them and gave her a real chase. Darting in and out amidst the trees, the game turned into tag and continued merrily as the sun rose. Finally, Awdz beeped Cero on the nose and said, ?Breakfast sounds wonderful; I may have some things to add to the menu.? She began reaching again into her pack. Out came a dozen fresh eggs, which Awdz tossed one by one at Cero. The dextrous scout could not resist showing off, and after catching each gently, juggled a few of the eggs before setting them down carefully by the rest of his food stores. Next Awdz withdrew a small wheel of cheese and tossed it to Cero, who spun it deftly on one finger before setting it down. A fruit pie, some bread and a flagon of wine filled out the foodstuffs. Next Awdz pulled out a shiny new frying pan and passed it over to Cero. ?I know you?ve made do without one of those, the flat rock in your fireplace being fine for your purposes, but since I had to make one for Gwill anyway, I figured I?d make a second one for you too.? Cero raised an eyebrow. ?Had to make one for Lady Gwillimena?? Awdz turned a little pink. ?Well, I was hunting arbotus with Roguar and looted lots of eggs and potatoes, so I thought I?d cook a bit of breakfast? eggs, potatoes and arbotus steaks. When I got to frying the potatoes, I realized I needed to mash them, so I used my smithing hammer. Unfortunately Gwill?s frying pan got a little dented in the process, and when I flattened out the bumps she did not want that one any more, so I had to replace it. Perhaps you?d prefer it?? Awdz withdrew from her pack something that resembled a lumpy round cookie sheet with a handle on one side. Cero could not help himself, he broke out laughing. ?No, thank you Miss, this new pan will be fine.? Still chuckling, he began arranging items in preparation for cooking. ?I do have one more thing for you,? Awdz said, reaching into her bag. ?It?s not very well crafted as I have only the most basic of sewing skills, but I hope you like it.? She pulled out a medium-sized pillow, made of kenaf and stuffed with cotton fibers and flax flowers. Carefully embroidered in large letters on one side was ?CERO?, and on the other side in smaller letters was ?Made with love by Awdz.? She shyly handed it to Cero. Smiling warmly, he sniffed the pillow, knowing already what would be inside. The fresh scent of flowers would be comforting on any dark evening, and knowing who made it meant it was priceless. He placed it neatly on his bedroll, careful not to get any ingredients on it. He resigned himself to making this breakfast as delicious as possible; it was the least he could do. Awdz hovered at Cero?s elbow as he began the breakfast preparations. ?How can I help you?? she asked him, starting to reach for foodstuffs. Cero intercepted her hand adroitly, clasping it in his gently. ?My dear, firewood is always useful,? he replied, hoping Awdz would not care that the woodpile was well stocked already. He wanted the breakfast to be scrumptious, and her help in cooking was well known to make any food inedible. Awdz looked at Cero, carefully avoiding a glance at the woodpile that she knew had plenty of wood for the morning. Thinking that obviously Cero wanted to treat her to a surprise or he would not be sending her off, she nodded and headed into the woods. Cero sighed in relief as she left, and got busy making the best breakfast he could. Awdz worked quickly, gathering enough wood to stock Cero?s pile for at least a week onto her cargo disk. As she returned to the campsite, she stumbled over a loose rock. It slipped to the side, revealing a hidden pack. Driven by curiosity, she pulled open the pack and started rummaging through its contents. First came out some books fashioned out of birch bark and hides. Opening the top one, Awdz was delighted by the carefully drawn pictures of forest creatures ? here a squirrel with a nut on a branch, there a deer drinking at a stream, next a ruxus in a field. The artist had captured the wildlife perfectly. Intrigued and wanting to see more, she opened the next book. Cero glanced up from his cooking and noticed Awdz near the edge of the campsite with her disk, not moving any wood. After a moment of wondering what she was doing, he realized that she had found his secret stash ? and was going through his personal journals! About to holler at her, he paused; there was nothing in there that he would not willingly share with her, and she was happily occupied while he could continue to cook undisturbed. Trying to unobtrusively catch her reaction to his sketches as he worked, Cero was pleased to see a look of wonderment and delight on her face. This book held pictures of folks close to Cero: Karzack hammering out weapons; Baiona leaning on a rock, satchel at her feet and Kabril standing nearby; Bloodedsoul fierce in battle; Gwillimena collecting essence; some others whom Awdz had never met. Awdz wondered why there were no sketches of her, save for in one large sketch of a Scions hunt. She would love to be captured as well as each person she saw had been. Turning to the next book, Awdz gasped softly and blushed. Every picture in it was of her: here in battle amid many fallen Aegis; there a progression of her digging at outcroppings in her various sets of cargo gear; another of her playing leap-gnome with wisps. One picture was just of her eyes peeping through flax. Astonished, she looked up at Cero. Cero was reaching for some additional foodstuffs when he glanced over at Awdz and caught her looking at him. From the expression on her face, he could tell she had found the book of her pictures. With his cheeks reddening, he asked, ?What do you think of my scribblings?? Awdz carefully laid down the books and came to Cero?s side. ?Oh Cero, they are beautiful!? Gently she took his hand, rubbed it along her cheek, and kissed it. ?You have filled my heart to bursting by honoring me with your artistry!? Cero's cheeks were afire, having always wondered what she would do were she to finally understand just how much she meant to him. He did his best not to drop the eggs he was carefully opening for the toast. "I am really not so much an artist as a trickster; I have found that once I get a decent scribble or two on the parchment, I can use my sorcery to manipulate them. Somehow it lets me use my raw imagination and mind to create the art; the ink is just a basis for the process." He continued his recipe, adding the cinnamon and sugar, hoping his dry comments diverted her attention. Glancing beyond his bowl, he noted that he had not; she sat quietly on the dirt, slowly turning pages with a smile. Awdz atop a crag deep inside the Crimson Scourge battlefield; working tirelessly on a guild house by moonlight; lying on some rocks, eyes closed, in the rain on Dahibi; even one of her skinny-dipping in the waterfall pool of Elnath (although Cero had obviously taken care to show nothing more than her shoulders and head). Cero put his new pan over the fire, and set about frying the now egg soaked, cinnamon and sugar infused bread. He placed several strips of cured bacon around the edge, with a drizzle of honey on each piece. His hands worked almost independently of his body; the grace left no wonder as to his skill with a bow. However, Awdz noted his smile now was as large as it had ever been hunting; perhaps cooking was his sneaky little pleasure when left to his own devices? He let Awdz go through the rest of his things, knowing she had to know he shared everything with her anyway. He tried to warn her of the finger trap Baiona had made him, but she found it on her own, the hard way. Yelping as she jumped, she laughed as she realized it was merely a trinket, a toy to spring on a friend. Slightly embarrassed, she set about preparing a couple plates for the meal; the scent of the food caused her to pause. "Mmmmm!", she said, now jogging about in her business. She sat grinning near the pan, dodging the occasional spatter of fat from inside. Cero passed a helping of bacon and toast to her plate, sprinkled some powdered sugar atop it all, and then did the same with the remaining half in the pan. He hoped she liked it; he knew he had a tendency to sweeten many of his dishes, and some found them to be almost too indulgent. Awdz bit into the toast. ?Mmmmmm!!!? she savored the flavor. Reaching for the powdered sugar, she poured it on thickly and took another bite. ?This is scrumptious!? She reached for some unsweetened klava, drank enough to clear most of the sweet from her mouth, then tried the bacon. ?Oh Cero, you cook wonderfully!? Cero smiled indulgently and ate heartily himself while Awdz happily devoured the remainder of her breakfast. Finishing her food, Awdz refilled her cup with klava, set her plate aside, and sat back to watch the fire for a bit. Cero quietly cleaned up the dishes, added a log to the fire, refilled his cup, and sat down next to Awdz. Awdz picked up a small piece of wood and began whittling it with her Istarian army knife. In a short while, she held out to Cero the likeness of a squirrel. Cero took the carving and inspected it. ?Why Miss Bodkins, that looks just like Nicky!? He glanced at the gnome brushing sawdust off her leggings next to him. ?How is Nicky these days?? Awdz smiled. ?Nicky has the run of all the guild buildings and loves to scamper about the rafters. I think Nicky has set up a nest in the old tree on my property though.? She sighed, ?I have yet to find a pet to call my own.? Finishing up her cup of klava, she set it down and leaned back against Cero?s arm, and watched the fire dance. Cero nodded, a glimmer of mischief in his eye. His mind was obviously at work, and as he sat, he made colorful streams of magicks dance from hand to hand. "I believe I saw a suitable pet for you on one of my outings dear. 'Tis a shame the Scions have not honored you with a pet of your own; I shall remedy that post-haste!? he explained with a smile. "In the meantime, take your time relaxing in my little glade here, as you are always welcome." Cero stood, and set about gathering some light rope, affixing his bow to his back and shouldering a quiver of arrows. Awdz started up abruptly, eyes twinkling with the reflected light of Cero's magic. "What do you mean, stay here while you wander about? Don't you know the only reason I come here is to spend time with you? At least let me tag along; perhaps I might find a way to be of assistance." The determined gnome readied her hunting gear and strode to Cero's side. Cero grinned, knowing it was both inevitable and exceedingly pleasing to have Awdz at his side. With a wink of his eye and a smile on his lips, he headed west into the trees. Leading her down the path, he occasionally gave her a poke and yelled "You're it!" and ran ahead, until she caught him and did the same. Pranks were occasionally pulled on both sides, and more than once one had made the other blush in some fashion. The trees gave way to a great meadow, the occasional farmhouse dotting the landscape. Cero put a finger to his lips, took Awdz's hand, and hunched down. He led her a few hundred yards into the meadow, stealthily creeping amongst the bushes and brush along the way. Curious that there was no obvious danger, Awdz began to speak; Cero abruptly pinched her lips, chuckling under his breath. He pointed at his feet, and his goal became obvious; a well formed mole hill lay hidden in some deep grass. He motioned for Awdz to sit, and as she did, he took a carrot from his pack and held it over the hole. Surely he had lost his mind; what wild animal will rightly take a carrot from a human, let alone show itself at all? But within a few moments, not only did a head pop from the ground, but a fat brown mole climbed out and sat between Cero's feet, happily taking the carrot and munching away. "I have not named him, as I think it only fair the pet's owner do so. I have been coming here for many months, and I knew as soon as I saw him he was perfect for you! He likes digging too, in fact he will dig all day long sometimes for no apparent reason. First I just tossed carrots towards him, then slowly kept them closer and closer. He is now as friendly as can be; I took him to my camp, and he dug all my hidey-holes there. I fear it is my fault he is a bit, well, spoiled; sometimes I give him candied carrots or a sweet roll. He needs no leash, as he will gladly follow you anywhere; if you want to take him home, just give him a good spot of ground to make his new home in. I imagine you could even help build it!" Cero reached into his pack again, and handed Awdz a carrot encased in some kind of sugary coating. "Mr. Mole, this is Awdz Bodkins, and she likes to dig as much as you! I hope you two can be lovely friends!" Awdz took the mole into her hands and carefully nestled him at her waist, offering him the carrot. The mole sniffed, apparently at ease with the scent of flax oil on her armor. He took the carrot into his mouth and burrowed under the edge of her mithril shirt. Startled, Awdz jumped and tried to grab him with her hands. The mole was frightened by the rapid movements, and burrowed further around Awdz?s waist, around to her back, still under her mithril shirt. ?Eeep!!! Cero, help!? Awdz cried, turning to him. Cero chuckled and reached around Awdz with one hand to get the mole, but could not get it through the mail. He gently slid his hand just under the edge of her mailshirt where the mole had settled, and it scooted across to the other side of her back. The mole?s movements made Awdz arch her back and squirm up against Cero. Cero meanwhile automatically reached around the other side of Awdz with his other hand to catch the mole. Pausing with both hands on the mole to give it a chance to calm, Cero realized he had both his arms around Awdz and his hands under her shirt. As his eyes met Awdz?s and they both blushed, Cero thought he would have to thank Mr. Mole later? Bringing the mole out and handing him again to Awdz, Cero could not resist teasing Awdz with her favorite question to new pet owners, ?So what are you going to call him?? Awdz considered the calmed mole. ?I think I shall call him Diggory,? she decided, obviously enchanted with the animal. ?Perhaps he can help me with my masonry work.? She looked up at Cero. ?Thank you so much!!? She arranged a pouch at her side and put another carrot in it. Diggory wriggled his nose and burrowed happily into the pouch. As they headed back to Cero?s campsite, Awdz stopped in the meadow to gather a bunch of flax flowers. Cero smiled, knowing how she thought of him whenever she saw them. Carrying them carefully, she continued on with Cero leading the way back. Back at the campfire, Cero put a pot of water on for tea, and sat back to relax next to Awdz while it heated. She carefully set the flax bundle at her side. ?I?ve been wanting to do this for some time!? Awdz exclaimed, and began weaving the flax blossoms into his hair. With each blossom, she described what she liked, enjoyed or admired about Cero. ?This one is for your bowmanship, unmatched in Istaria; this one is for the exquisite armor you craft; this is for your supple physique; this one is for the twinkle in your mischievous eyes; this must be for your generousity?.? The list continued on and on, until Cero?s head was covered in a hat of blossoms such that Awdz could add no more. ?I guess I get a bit carried away,? Awdz giggled. Sitting back and looking at Cero, she brushed his cheek with her hand. ?But I cannot help myself when it comes to you.? She settled her head against his shoulder and watched the fire, content to be with him. Cero sat happily; he ran his fingers through the lovely blue braids slowly, amazed at the softness they retained despite being attached to such an adventurous and curious gnome. Apparently the Scions still held bathing sessions; he chuckled to himself as he remembered his first initiation bath with Gwillimena, Awdz, and Baiona. What a fun time that had been! "What are you laughing at!", Awdz demanded, not moving from his shoulder. "Tis nothing miss, just a memory", he comforted her. He reveled in the sweet scent of her hair, and decided there was no place he would rather be. Awdz watched the fire for a bit, and noticed the pot of water steaming. ?I suppose one of us could get tea now,? she said, not moving a muscle. As Cero dutifully began to tense his muscles to rise, Awdz snuggled closer to him, her movements clearly indicating she liked having him right where he was. ?What kind of tea do you have?? she asked. "Why, I have several actually; some are handpicked, others are gifts from those that know my tastes. I have some Green Tea from the slopes of Harro; ginger from the fields outside Aughendell; and a concoction I made myself with pekoe from I don't know where." Cero stood, although slowly and reluctantly, and meandered over to a bag hanging from a low branch. Inside were many small satchels, all tied with different colored ribbons and leaves. He fumbled around until he produced a well-used teapot. "So..what variety strikes your interest?", he said, grinning broadly. Awdz made her way to Cero?s side and peeked into the bag. ?Ooh! Let me smell them and see!? she replied. Pulling out several of the satchels, she quickly undid each ribbon, sniffed the contents and set aside the satchels. Unfortunately she piled the open satchels all in the same spot, and if not for Cero?s quick reflexes, all of the contents would have mixed together. Cero chuckled indulgently as he moved the various teas out of Awdz?s drop spot. When she got through opening all of them, she turned and was startled to see the satchels arranged about her. ?Oh! This makes it easier to pick out the one I liked best!? she exclaimed. Picking up several of the satchels and smelling the contents again, she finally settled on one containing the pekoe concoction that Cero had made. ?I think I like this one best.? ?That is the very blend I made,? Cero responded. He carefully set the chosen satchel aside and began reclosing the others. ?Your handiwork? That must be why I like it!? Awdz replied. She followed Cero?s lead, helping to retie the satchels and to place them carefully back into the bag. Their hands brushed into one another?s, and Awdz paused a moment to clasp Cero?s hand with hers. Cero raised Awdz?s hand to his face and gently brushed it with his lips; Awdz blushed, smiling shyly. He turned and picked up the satchel with Awdz?s chosen blend while she finished packing away the other teas. Carefully he brewed the tea to perfection while Awdz rehung the bag. He passed Awdz a cup and indicated a spot before the fire for both of them to sit comfortably. Awdz sat down happily and inhaled over her cup. ?Mmmm, this smells wonderful!? she said, and took a large drink. As Cero sat down beside her, she pulled out a carrot and enticed Diggory onto her lap. Pausing in her stroking of the mole?s soft fur, Awdz drank another large quaff from her cup, and got a mischievous gleam in her eye. Putting her cup down beside her, she used the carrot to slowly draw Diggory out of her lap and onto Cero?s leg. Cero held still for them, bemused at how easily Awdz handled animals ? it took him much longer to gain the mole?s trust ? but then, Awdz had a way about her... Awdz led Diggory up Cero?s side to his shoulder. Looking at the mat of flowers still woven into Cero?s hair, Awdz decided not to disturb the blossoms. Instead, she dropped the carrot down the back of Cero?s neck. Diggory darted after it, and quickly burrowed under Cero?s collar. Cero held still and let the animal burrow until it calmed, midway down his back. ?Miss Bodkins, if you would now assist me as I assisted you earlier?? Awdz chuckled mischievously and reached on hand slowly up to retrieve Diggory. Unable to resist the opportunity, she tickled Cero; he gritted his teeth and remained still. Pulling the mole out and stroking it, Awdz settled it back in her pouch. Retrieving her cup, she drained the contents, handed it back to Cero, stood, and sighed. Cero looked at her with one raised eyebrow. ?Is something amiss?? ?I need to be getting back again?? Awdz said softly. ?My best wishes for you remain, and I would love for you to come visit me sometime. But for now, farewell.? With a final brush of her hand on Cero?s cheek, Awdz headed into the woods without looking back. Cero watched her go with wistful longing, knowing better than to try stopping her. As he turned back to the fire, a flax blossom fell from his hair.

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