You guys have done a great job keeping all the dragon quests updated on this site. There's a bunch of information that's very handy to reference while playing! However, some people can't alt-tab out or have issues with it, or just prefer to have something tangible nearby to write on or refer to (like myself).

So I've grabbed some info, from here and some other places, and compiled it into a 2 page PDF file. It's not going to be extremely useful to most of you oldtimers, but I'm hoping that others who aren't quite as experienced will find it at least somewhat helpful.

I'm going to try to keep it updated and if someone notices anything wrong (major or minor), please post here and I should have it updated within a few days. In addition, if there's anything people would like added, mention it below and I'll try to gracefully squeeze it in. ;)

The file is located here: and the file name IS case-sensitive.