Welcome by the way!

Two other thoughts for you from an 'outsider' view.

The world in person is INCREDIBLY 'quiet'. Using machines doesn't generate text 'chatter', It is a LOT more convenient to open a chat window directly with someone and go about your business than to talk in the 'open'. So you might see 3 people just standing around apparently AFK, all the while they are all chatting up a storm. Few people talk 'out loud' even in more densely visted towns like Kion (on chaos) or Aughundall. If you are not chatting, then you will likely feel isolated, alone and bored.

Brings up my second point. Use the Chat channels. They are very handy, and it's often said that HZ is a glorified Chat client. The control you have over the chat channels and UI is pretty refreshing. As I said before, due to limited emotes and the ease of use of the channels, Guild talk, Group talk, what have you, most of the 'interaction' goes on in the channels.
