<Dangit> hey guys
<Dangit> you guys in the mood for serious discussions?
<WyrmCult> Sure
<Dangit> well was just going over the forums and the race sections are pretty bare. so I figured we could get them started
<Dangit> maybe go over some ideas for racial quests. things like that
<Dangit> so if you guys are willing I would like to take each race in turn and maybe hash a few ideas for them
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<Dangit> so what do you think?
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> im in the middle of an experiment
<Korsh> Fine by me. Mostly those discussion regarding races are pretty thin though because aside from abilities there really is no difference between them
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> but in short doesnt sound like a bad idea
<Dangit> well maybe we can change that through the quests.
<Korsh> When Dryads hit as hard as half-giants there's no much more that needs be said. heh
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> Korsh: the rest of the difference would be fluff
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> and what dangit said
<Dangit> while we cant change the starting stats. maybe we can add differences
<Dangit> much like the dragon quests for abilities, we could get some racial ability quests
<WyrmCult> Well, really the first thing i would be interested in knowing is what the rewards for racial quests would be. If they are just going to be simple $ and XP rewards they won't be used much(unless they are oobah). I'd think racial quests would only work well if they gave special equipment or weak(but racially unique) abilities
* Lunhilde-sciencingAFK remembers this discussion before
<Korsh> Well to start I'd like to see not one racial ability but multiples. One every 10-20 levels. Some can be as minor as a stat boost while tohers should be more in-depth like the single one we have currently
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> with elves it all got boiled down to bows and i got told to sheddap ;)
<AA0> I'm in and out, but will throw ideas around
<WyrmCult> I agree Korsh. Perhaps a slight increase to HtH damage for Saris(sharp claws), for example
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> yah, same as AAO here.. and speaking of out, off i go again :)
<Korsh> Right or a STR bonus for H-G's
<Dangit> okay, so lets start with Half Giants.
<Dangit> What could be some good Racial ability quests for them?
<AA0> what korsh said, increasing str per level
<AA0> or maybe a short term burst of strength ability
<Korsh> That'd be great. I'm sure we could come up witha host of abilities we'd like to see... the real question is what would the quests themselves be.
<Korial> 5 minute duration, 30 minute recycle, +1000 inv capacity, - 15 spd
<Dangit> well , lets work on a list of abilities , then we can customize teh quests around them
<WyrmCult> How about 'Hurl Boulder' a weak but instantly mastered racial 'pull' ability
<Korsh> Should be something more detailed than a kill x of y. Fed-Ex would be ok for a couple of them if it's talking to NPC H-G leaders who give you more backgroyund information or racial lore.
<Dangit> oh yes, racial lore must be part of any quest :)
<AA0> I like the hurl boulder, capacity or strength bursts
<Dangit> So far I have Hurl Boulder- Racial pull ability, Increased strength per level or a temp boost in str / cap
<WyrmCult> Also maybe a weaker version of Berserk Rage(Much weaker, higher level quest) and the 'Earthquake' ability would also seem to fit
<Korsh> One interesting quest might be to gather a certain series of resources or items that can only be found on a given Named NPC. One drops per kill and H-G's as a race need to gather 100 of them to complete something. That something could be facilitating the return of the H-G god (forget his name) and he rewards his children for their efforts with a special new racial ability. ;-)
<AA0> it would seem a health stat would be in order really... since they are the only race to start with 60
<Daedra> howdy folks
<WyrmCult> Good point AA0
<Nanain> hiya hun
<Dangit> okay boost to health as well.
<WyrmCult> Maybe a Half-Giant version of 'Concentrate Blood'...
<Dangit> Not familiar with Concentrate Blood, Bloodmage ability?
<Korsh> I'd like to see Giant's Daze be an automatic hit. It's the only racial ability currently with the possability of missing / failing.
<WyrmCult> Yep, does 100 damage but raises max health by 200 points. Not good to use while fighting, but great right before... :)
<Dangit> interesting.
<WyrmCult> When used right before/after 'Blood Shield' it's a great way to freak out your healer... ;)
<Korsh> Another similar to health might be increased 'toughness' or natural armor. Simple fact is something that big, heavier bone structure, etc. can shrug off blows better than say, a gnome or dryad.
<AA0> lets not copy abilities from classes though..
<Dangit> okay. so boost to health, str, range pull, cap, .
<Korsh> Might manifest as a natural crush resistance?
<WyrmCult> Well, not direct copy, just as a guideline
<AA0> right now my racial ability is a horrid version of pertrify
<WyrmCult> Yeah, Half Giants and Crush Resist would seem a match. Kind of like Pierce ward and Dryads....
<Dangit> actually maybe a crush resistance or how about a flame resistance? Giants from the Ur lord series used flame as a purifier, :)
<Korsh> Have to be some sort of lore to back that up, but sure. ;-)
<WyrmCult> Could always go Norse about it and offer Either fire OR ice resist... (considers renaming guild to Fenris Cult...)
<Korsh> Fiends already have Ice don't they?
<Dangit> think they do
<WyrmCult> Yeah, was mostly kidding, sorry. ;)
<Korsh> I dunno... anything is nice but i really want to see lore intensive quests. ;-) Particularly one that adds a religious dimension. HZ has always been a bit disappointing to me in it's lack of dieties.
<AA0> lore is really needed, but you need to have an ability first before adding the lore to it
<WyrmCult> It would be nice to be a little more involved in the storyline than 'The WA stole your plot and killed your server'....
<Korsh> How about the ability to jump? ;-)
<Dangit> okay. lets take this list. str, cap, health, range pull, resistance.
<Dangit> now who here has a list of the NPCs in Mahagra?
<WyrmCult> I'm thinking the big problem is stepping on class abilities. A self-based AoE stun would be awesome for a HG, but then what about the poor STMD
<Korsh> Bah... afk a moment, brb
<AA0> I'd hope new npcs are made, like historians around the world in racial towns
<Korsh> A stun would be awesome... it's even supported already by the effects of Giant's Daze. ok, now really afk
<AA0> the historians would talk about the history and endurances half giants have had to talk and how its able to give them what they have
<AA0> and each one would have multiple paths depending on the link you click
<Dangit> what if there was an NPC in Mahagra, call him a Chieften.
<AA0> that'd work
<Dangit> or not a chieften, but a Chieften advisor, and he advised teh chieftens of the past
<WyrmCult> 'Huskarl' was a traditional name for Norse military advisers/bodyguards...
<Dangit> Yeah but that is used a lot for the Norse guards in DAOC just that name brings flashbacks :(
<WyrmCult> Ahh, never played that one...
<WyrmCult> Sounds like i didn't miss much... ;)
<AA0> the name is just small details ;)
<Dangit> okay, So this adviser has secrets.
<Dangit> lets work with upgrades to str.
<AA0> there could be a 10 boost to current every 10 levels, like a dragon
<Dangit> what if the advisor gave a quest similar to the test of str quest in the Test of the Gifted quest?
<AA0> I was thinking that for the quest too
<Dangit> He would give you an item and you had to walk from Mahagra to Kira?
<AA0> something that overburndened you by so much or something
<Dangit> or even from the center of Mahagra to the Ice tower?
<WyrmCult> That sounds good, i like the idea of giants dragging huge boulders around to get strong.
<AA0> hm, how about...
<Walter> Bah, people don't need more strength! :)
<AA0> a quest to go to the tower, talk to the person at the base then make you way to the top :)
<AA0> that person would give you the boulder
<Dangit> hmm, stairrobics :)
<Walter> Haha
<AA0> thats one annoying walk :)
<Dangit> that would be neat :)
<Walter> I never noticed how much extra STR that mithril jewelery gives you.
<Dangit> okay, here is a question, at what level would you think this should be available
<Dangit> 10? 20?
<Walter> Somewhere around 10-15 would be cool.
<WyrmCult> In my dream world every race could have a quest every 10 levels, but i don't imagine that would improve the DB performance any...
<Walter> We need more availability for people to find these quests too, though... I had no idea that half of the quests existed in the game till I was past being able to use any of them for any benefit.
<AA0> I'd think the quest would increment, increased str every 10 or 20 levels
<AA0> not the same quest each time though
<WyrmCult> I agree Walter. I'd love to see the old 'Destroyed House' lootable quest idea adapted to these. Elves get a quest when hunting elven undead, and so on...
<Walter> That'd be great, Wyrm...
<AA0> had an idea for a health quest
<Dangit> okay. so lets say we did them every 20 levels, starting at level 10.
<Dangit> and added +10 to str each quest
<Dangit> 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, that would be +50 to a HGs sr
<Dangit> err str
<Korsh> back
<Dangit> would +50 be over balancing?
<AA0> I wouldn't say so
<Korial> I'd say +50 would be insignificant at 100.. :/
<Walter> ThatNot at all
<Korsh> Not really... as Walter pointed out it's just a drop in the bucket at higher levels.
<AA0> might add 3 points of damage..
<Walter> +50 is not insignificant; really.
<Korsh> In fact one might almost argue it's INsignificant. heh
<Walter> That's an extra 4 stat points to some crafts.
<Dangit> okay. not bad then
<Walter> And I'm at ... a bit over 1500 str fully buffed; every bit counts.
<AA0> if you are doing multiple racial quests, 50 is good
<Walter> I'd love to get an extra 50 power going on my human.
<WyrmCult> I'd settle for a +5 to my speed, but that's probably out of the question at this point. I already only run at full speed with my interface turned off...
<Korsh> Ok, so hat for lvlels 20, 40, 60, 80, 100?
<Korsh> hat = what
<Walter> Oh, and Mhedon is my official **********!
<Walter> Never realized how powerful a shield is till fighting him.
<WyrmCult> I've been head down in 'Evil Genius' for a week, who or what is Mhedon? Named nasty somewhere?
<Walter> Named Mith Golem.
<Korsh> Named mith golem
<AamerKhan|ChaosHerald> thats the 7500 HP one right?
<Walter> 9.6k I think.
<Dangit> ack
<AA0> over 9k
<WyrmCult> Ahh, haven't had the honor of tangoing with him yet, i spend all day trying not to get smacked by 'Brecah' while i'm mining...
<Dangit> just lost power here
<Walter> Time for food... bbl.
<AamerKhan|ChaosHerald> ahhh
<Korsh> ello David
<David-FixingQuest> Hello
<AamerKhan|ChaosHerald> Howdy David
<Dangit> Hi david, we were just talking about quests :)
<Dangit> racial quests
<AA0> I never got an answer to our cobalt suggestion last night, david ;)
<Korsh> Dangit here was just leading us in an interesting discussion of racial quests. :-)
<Dangit> So you guys want to continue?
<David-FixingQuest> AA0: cobalt wasn't up for discussion last night ;-)
<AamerKhan|ChaosHerald> Sure
<Korsh> Surely
<AA0> it should be..
<David-FixingQuest> We have a series of racial quests planned...
<Dangit> :)
<Dangit> More ideas never hurt
<David-FixingQuest> we have been busy getting our core work done first :-)
<David-FixingQuest> dangit: of course not, just letting you know we're already heading that way :-)
<Korsh> Are they going to help differentiate races a lil bit? My single biggest pet peeve with HZ is the whole "Dryad hits as hard as a H-G" thing. Just makes no sense. lol
<Dangit> cool, :)
<AA0> obsidian was hard and it got fixed... cobalt is harder, but never got fixed..
<Dangit> okay. So if we used the concept of the Str test, and made the HG walk up the ice tower with the boulder for +10 str. what could we get teh HG to do for the second part?
<AA0> how about slay a boulder golem, and do something with its remaining pieces
<Korsh> A Named Boulder golem
<AA0> mhedon! lol
<Dangit> so up the tower would be lvl 10, this would be level 30 quest. what are the boulder golems in that range?
<Korsh> Give it a special drop that needs to be returned to the quest giver
<WyrmCult> The problem with linking quest to named... anyone ever hear a dragon whine about 'Tiatha' not being there? Because ignorant or mean 'peds hunted her for the crystals?
<Dagda> only every 3 or 4 days
<Dangit> Wyrm, what if it was like teh lost patrol quest? the named only popped if you have the quest and in that area?
<AA0> dragons are also in a massive rush for their rop...
<Korsh> Good point, but still. I tend to think it should be tougher than the average golem for a quest.
<Korsh> That'd be better
<WyrmCult> The patrol quest worked fine for me, so it seems like the way to go. That or like 'Talon the Possessed' for the RoP, must be activated by the quester
<Dangit> okay. so lets say at level 30 the advisor tells you of a spot where a rock that lives has been bothering the travelers. and sends you to the place to take care of it
<AA0> I see no problem with named mobs, this is not a quest that has to be done asap
<Korsh> Controversial idea that would only hurt me, but still: What about for 50 (or some of them) make it a crafter quest? Adv only H-G's would be out of luck but only the well balanced H-G (craft + adv) gets the full range of benefits.
* Lunhilde-sciencingAFK scrolls back, tries to read, gives up
<Korsh> Maybe make the crafting quest at 30 so adv types wouldn't have to level crafter up too much to benefit.
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> Save one point: Walter - yes - shields are indeed the bomb :)
<Dangit> Korsh, crafter quests would be a whole new area. this would be just racial.
<Dangit> wouldnt matter if you are crafter or adventurer
<AA0> quests should be any level
<AamerKhan|ChaosHerald> yes dont mix them please
<Korsh> Well... killing a Named mob can be said to be a Adv quest so there'd a crossover here
<AA0> you can group to do it
<Korsh> Yes that's true.
<AamerKhan|ChaosHerald> However I would like to see solo only quests too.. like the scout the 4 locations
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> or
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> hm
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> Well, like that
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> can go with groups still
<zerbot> how do you spell neither?
<AA0> remember, these are optional quests... you don't have to do them
<Dangit> for ease, I think just allowing groups would be the way to go
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> if everyone has the same quest. but i wouldnt see anything wrong with that cause its not forced grouping
<zerbot> did i spell it right?
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> People if not forced to grouo will go solo
<AamerKhan|ChaosHerald> that would work
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> I believe so zerbot
<zerbot> ty
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> neither neither.. yah hats it
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> Either that or we all mis-spell it ;)
<Korsh> Ok, so that's 30 - 50?
<Dangit> 30.
<Dangit> what would 50 be?
<Dangit> I have a funny idea
<Korsh> Yea, meant now what for 50? ;-)
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> Also, will depend on game immersion at that point... I mean, if the NPC encourages it to be a solo quest, and you're into it and playing.. you'd certainly try it solo first
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> Whether groupiong would work as a default or not
<Dangit> similiar to the boulder. but this time you get a bunch of gnomes in you pack. and have to take them to New Rachival.
<Dangit> random gnome comments could be given as you go along :)
<AA0> thats testing str? or restraint?
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> ... on your way youre jumped by hungry renegade dragons, noo!
<Dangit> well here an idea. Unlike the boulder quest you could remove these guys from your pack
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> :D
<Dangit> losing out on the quest and you couldnt repeat it :)
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> yah, thats one thing i dont see any of
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> Quest failures.
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> Can just cancel and redo.
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> Never actually fail anything that ive seen as of yet
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> ...
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> is there failable quests?
<Dangit> So if they get too annoying and you drop them, then you fail, and cant do it
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> .. imagine someone failing a quest and getting some awful title tag, LOL
<Korsh> lol... hauling Gnomes. pretty hilarious. I'm afraid the RP Cops will scream on order though.
<AA0> the gnomes are poor, and need transport
<AA0> refugee gnomes
<Korsh> I know one: Must quest to find that rare and exotic creature... the female Half-Giant player. :-P Think I've only met one since the game went live. lol
<WyrmCult> Heh
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> Ive seen a couple
<Korial> that's ok Korsh... one of the gnome racial quests is to take a kidnapped HG to New rach for final testing on a HG-powered gnomian war machine :)
<WyrmCult> I knew one.
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> My main issue with the female half-giant toon -- their head isnt quite straight
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> They have a gentle tilt to their neck, like an eternal "Huh?" .. it looks silly
<Nanain> ooo a lava oastic I cant attack..kinky
<Korsh> lol... that i like korial
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> blue name?
<Lunhilde-sciencingAFK> greet it, see if it has a body part to wave :)
<Dangit> brb guys