I found quite a few bugs when I was leveling Ice Disciple, and posted them on tazoon.com back in the days. I'll try to remember some of them.

Ice Disciple:
Freezing Touch I has 50% chance to slow down a mob
Freezing Touch II has 20% chance to slow down a mob.
Freezing touch III has 30% chance to slow down a mob.
So clearly version I needs to be fixed.

The level 70 general ability Iron Body conflicts with our class specific buff line Ice Armor. In fact Iron Body overwrites Ice Armor II even though Ice Armor II grants the same armor bonus, but more ethereal armor bonus and lasts longer. Could we get something else instead of Iron Body because we already have something far superior?

The level 60(?) ability Ice Tomb is broken. It currently doesn't do anything. It is suppposed to do major damage (according to the description) when used in conjunction with level 80(?) Shatter, but with Ice Tomb broken, Shatter is now useless as well.

The level 90 ability Numbing Cold is supposed to have an area slowdown effect, but it only affects 1 creature. Also, it only slows down that creature by a mere 10%, something which is awefully low for a level 90 ability (so low you can't even notice it), on the other hand Despirit Foes (Cleric level 48) slows down an area by 50%.

I think this was about it :)