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Thread: PvP in Chaos?

  1. #61

    Default Re: PvP in Chaos?

    Yes it is remote and totally out of game, well there is a few things that need addressing, but I have spoken enough on the DP thing.

    And for those that say there will be ranting, I say this
    "Nothing stops the little ranting we already have in MP, so whats the difference?"


  2. #62

    Default Re: PvP in Chaos?

    Oh I would like to add something. We have all been adult in the Arena. It even goes so far that a innocent neutral party (vice) told Abo to stop hitting me because we knew the fight was over. If I am mez'd or stun in place, I pretty much am history. We both knew it and so did Vice, unfortunetly Abo didn't see Vice's reply in chat and I died. All the more reason to eliminate DP's.

    I mainly want to point out that we as a community, wether you like it or not, have come together to charish this new and exciting addition we have been gratefully bestowed.


  3. #63

    Default Re: PvP in Chaos?

    True, no development time.


  4. #64

    Default Re: PvP in Chaos?

    Quote Originally Posted by PJ
    [img]/Web/Themes/Generic/images/icon-quote.gif[/img]David Bowman wrote: I'm glad that those who voluntarily go to the arena are having some fun with it. Be advised that we will not listen to feedback of the "I lost to X so do Y." We are only interested in making the player-vs-monster experience more fun, and this is a testing ground for us to do this... do not expect us to change anything. Don't like deathpoints, don't die. Want a shrine? Not going to happen. We will add things to allow us to do better testing... ie... trainers and maybe a vaultkeeper.

    Remember the intent of the arenas... and they'll be able to stay. If there is anynegativespill-over to the rest of the game, I will make them inaccessible to players immediately. We've left a ball in a playground, play nice...


    Seems pretty cut and dry
    I just thought I"d put this here again - because it seems in the last two pages, pepole responding didn't bother to read the full first page *smiles*

    As far as I'm concerned - if it were to actually be imlemented this way and DB and others stuck to their guns with this philosophy about PVP right here.

    Then I'm all for it - have at it - have fun! :)

    (and yea, I hope they really will pull it out (yank it!! hard!!)if it becomes a problem)

    But I wanted to requote it as it seems some of these fears and worries could be answered by reading it again. :)

  5. #65

    Default Re: PvP in Chaos?

    I despise PvP. I find no fun in it whatsoever. I hate being the object of someone else's jollies because, quite frankly, I suck at PvP.

    That being said, I honestly think this would be a great addition to the Live shards. Considering I will never use it, nor will I ever even set foot on it, I think it would attract more players. Some people like to PvE and PvP. This way the people who like rare PvP have an option to do just that, without effecting anyone else on the server who hates PvP.

    Of course, the balancing statement must be held. But I think it would be a great idea.

  6. #66

    Default Re: PvP in Chaos?

    Well for those whom don't like it and have no desire to try it more power to you. I am the same way. If I don't wanna engage in something thats my decision. BUT

    For the ones that are there and are trying to make it even more stealth to the PvE enviornment, we are trying to make good suggestions so it is successful. Thats why we are suggesting removal of DP's and other aspects that are totally related the the normal PvE part of the game.

    Think about it, if you don't want ranting, why allow there to be any connection to the outside world to complain about such as getting DP's from testing in a PvP arena? You don't. Thus the suggestion.

    The situation right now is were hurting for business. We need to be open minded on how we can get more players to HZ. There are things all of us don't like, but there is always a solution to any problem. If we stay closed minded, we might as well get rid of chat channels and everyother negative. Oh but guess what we wont have a game, and if that happens we have let the few bad apples ruin it for the whole bunch.


  7. #67

    Default Re: PvP in Chaos?

    I think (personal opinion) it should go live but the way it is now. You have to pay to participate and in a special area only. But allow people who only want to watch the option of investing in the time sink of watching the games at a lower rate. Maybe a seperate portal to the viewing stands. Sort of a real live Ren Fest with our characters and Istaria as the location, minus the aluminum foil wrapped hunk of wood you call your sword. [;)]

    If it does go live, this is only if it does, add a prize to those who paid to be part of the games. A percentage of the pot from all who paid to play, goes to the ultimate winner of that day. You'd probably see more people accepting it and might even find a few more getting involved because there is something to gain at the end.

    *shrugs* just an idea.
    Arirabeth Quickfingers
    Shaliwyn Whisperwing
    Arydun Wyr`Thalu
    ~Mystic Blades~ Order
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  8. #68
    Join Date
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    Default Re: PvP in Chaos?

    Quote Originally Posted by Crazyfingers
    Again you are answering your own question. First you say that it isnt being used as a balancing tool. Then you say that all the classes need to be balanced.
    Youmisread what I was saying. The fact that I said it was not a tool, and the fact that I said classes needed to be balanced PvE wise have no bearing on each other whatsoever. Every class deserves a decent chance to be on par with WHAT they can take down in the PvE environment, I in no way meant that classes should be balanced against other classes.
    Let me put it this way: If a level 50 so and so can take down a 55 with decent survival rate, but a level 50 otherclass gets killed every time by a 50, that would seem unfair, yes? After all, a majority of players are mostly soloers if I recall correctly. I for one never group for hunting, only things that I cannot do alone. Horizons is a good solo game, I would like to PvE solo at the same basic level as anyone else. Reasonable, no?
    Quote Originally Posted by Crazyfingers
    Each class should have their own purpose not be balanced on how fast they can take down a mob.
    I completely agree. I was NOT saying that classes should be equal in every way shape and form. They do have their own purpose, yes, but each of them should be able to solo same-level mobs, using their special tactics, using their own time, but they should be ABLE to do it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crazyfingers
    If the Arena is just for fun, why not bring it to Chaos, Order, and Unity?
    It IS just for fun. If it was really meant as a true testing tool, it wouldn't have been done on a dev's off time, now would it?
    Good God, I'm sorry for flaming, everyone, but it gets under my skin when people don't take the time to truly read what I said then make it seem likeI meant the opposite of what I did. Sincere apologies, and no hard feeling, Crazyfingers.


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

  9. #69

    Default Re: PvP in Chaos?

    To provide some further context, since reading through this thread it appears that these points have not been understood:

    1. We were developing a TESTING tool to help us prepare better behaviours for monsters used in events and spawns. This was a necessary prerequisite for current monster improvement, event monster improvement, and our goal of creating an elder game based on the war with the Withered Aegis forces.

    2. Smeglor, who did a significant portion of this development, realized that with a very small amount of additional work he could create a version of this testing tool that would allow for player-to-player attacks within the constraints that I have always maintained of consensual and location-based. He literally did this over a lunchtime. This was built on an island that we were to use for TESTING anyway.

    3. This will be on all shards eventually, because that is how things work. This is the same as the fact that there was a military base with tanks and jets existing in parallel to the player experience, but inaccessible to players for a long time. On Blight, we've decided to open the Arena to player access, but that is at our discretion. Whether GN chooses to open access to the Arena on Unity will be up to them. Whether we decide to open access to the Arena (remember, it will already be there anyway) on Chaos and/or Order will be up to us based on player behaviour. If this ever becomes an issue that impacts Horizons I will remove that access immediately.

    4. Smeglor will continue to tinker with this outside of worktime as he sees fit. It already does what we need it to do for our purposes of TESTING, and I will not allow staff to work on it during our already over-scheduled working hours. However, just as I have chosen in the past to occasionally spend time after midnight for projects such as the Abandoned Island, Trandalar, and Balit's Island, I will support developers' contributions in their offtime to the improvement of experience for the players. I might even spend an evening building some other settings for new Arenas if players want, but that will be up to me.

    Thank you for the 7% growth in Horizons' subscriptions.

    David Bowman
    David Bowman

  10. #70

    Default Re: PvP in Chaos?

    Hmm so now it WILL be eventually on all shards. Interesting.

    One other point, if the coding was doen by Smeglor during his spare time, which is fine, who did the artwork for the arena?
    Bori Grimbattle --->The Dwarf
    Sinistre Azazael---> The Fiend
    Adramaleck Flerious--->The Dragon

    ~Mystic Blades~

  11. #71

    Default Re: PvP in Chaos?

    There is no artwork for the arena.
    David Bowman

  12. #72

    Default Re: PvP in Chaos?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bori Grimbattle
    Hmm so now it WILL be eventually on all shards. Interesting.
    (Before everyone goes crazy)

    There are many things on live right now that players can't access, sometimes referred to as the "FORBIDDEN ZONE" (dramatic reverb) around the coords 0,0 or possibly even transcending the coordinate system (I really don't know, it's forbidden). It's abosolutely impossible to reach this area unless some crazy bug comes about or you have GM capabilities. The reason for this is from the way development works in Horizons.

    From what I understand, inside Tulga's offices resides the internal test server, Genesis. Monsters are turned off, but otherwise it's contains the same stuff as the live shards, Order and Chaos. After a Blight patch Genesis is almost a 1:1 copy of whatever was just patched to Blight. When it comes time for patching to live, the (hopefully) well tested changes and additions (a delta) on blight are copied back to Genesis, and when patch time comes the delta on Genesis is copied directly to the live shards, bringing whatever updates or additional content.

    The arena existing on live shards is a side-effect of that. Since Tulga can't go and delete all the work they've done, they set aside a part of the world for all their testing, the FORBIDDEN ZONE. (thunder) That way there are never any concerns with losing internal work or testing grounds whenever a patch needs to be done.
    "We live only ONE REAL DAY, during which we recall false memories of living many more."
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  13. #73

    Default Re: PvP in Chaos?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bori Grimbattle
    Hmm so now it WILL be eventually on all shards. Interesting.

    One other point, if the coding was doen by Smeglor during his spare time, which is fine, who did the artwork for the arena?
    Expanding on Hal`ycon's explanation, So while the Island, NPC's, portals, etc will eventually go live. They will not necessarily eventually be accessible to players.
    PersonalJustice the Demon Slayer - Chaos

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  14. #74

    Default Re: PvP in Chaos?

    I could understand only openning them for Events purposes on Live Shards, for allround joy and fun however I would like to see Blight maintain it as it is.

  15. #75

    Default Re: PvP in Chaos?

    I guess we all recognize a camel with its nose in the tent by now.

    How far will it get before someone puts a bullet between its eyes :-)

  16. #76
    Member Seranthor's Avatar
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    Default Re: PvP in Chaos?

    What camel Senk?... :)
    25 months waiting for expert CNF forms. Tired of the intentional deceptions and being kicked in the junk.

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  17. #77

    Default Re: PvP in Chaos?

    Mr. Bowman,

    Thank you for the feedback again, and thank you for giving this relatively mature group a shot at an arena.


    Lone Lizard of the Apocalypse

    Champions of Honor

  18. #78

    Default Re: PvP in Chaos?

    Arena screenshot:

    not much there. There is a landing pad behind the tree. 2 little huts on each end with npc's.

    Pj found a bug already in a tech applied to primal spells out there. And it got fixed already too.

  19. #79

    Default Re: PvP in Chaos?

    I just had a weird vision of dragons fighting jets above a military base..
    That's pretty much all I have to say.

    -Your friendly neighborhood stripey dragon

  20. #80

    Default Re: PvP in Chaos?

    I have a question sorta along the lines here. since this abilitywas found while you were working on the WA stuff. Are the WA gonna cast this stuff on groups out in the field without us knowing it and have one of our group members MC & DC and accidently wipe half our group??

    this is one bug i could see coming from this new pvp.
    Laneth Drethor
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