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Thread: A petition regarding a unique recognition.

  1. #41
    Britt Tigahare

    Default Re: A petition regarding a unique recognition.

    To the people that voted Nay,

    Perhaps then you should petition the devs to remove a few distinct titles from a couple people?

    For instance, the title of "demon slayer" for whoever it was who got one for soloing SoG? Someone on Chaos but I forget the name.

    Or the dragon on Blight (dorrin said the name, but I forget) who got a title for being the first dragon to become adult?

  2. #42

    Default Re: A petition regarding a unique recognition.

    Good observation Britt, but those titles had already been determined by the Gods, not the Gifted.

    Just to fill in a gap in the collective memory: The one given the title for placing the final wand in freeing the Dryads on SPIRIT was the leader of Souless Immortals -- a fiend, whose name was . . . just a moment, checking my scrolls . . . . *mumbles to self* no, not Philip V but his good companion . . . . *taps claws in frustration* . . . Khao!

    Gad! So many names of so many who are gone. I also like the notion of an ongoing thread dedicated to Honoring the Heroes of Istaria/Order. In the last month of, I was the Archivist for the Istarian Historical Society of Spirit. So, I know that a Hall of Heroes could be done. And it would be very effective.

    Once again, I bow in honor to the Demigoddess. I understand that the recognition is well meant. But knowing some of the tempests that arose out of World Master-generated titles during the pre-merger times, the peace and tranquillity of Order would be better preserved without any more.

    I am looking forward to meeting you, my Lady.
    Icabald Percival Dragon
    Proud Co-Guild Master of Elder Spirits
    Estatic Mate fo Aether "Brace" Percival
    Formerly of Spirit, now proudly of Order

  3. #43

    Default Re: A petition regarding a unique recognition.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tantalyr
    Whether or not Carinde ever receives the honorific she has truly earned and deserves, she will always bemy Commander.
    That I agree with and I think this is a great idea as it was earned by in game actions. Not a popularity contest as it has certainly been earned.

    I was near her at a fight near the Novo machine, alas my primal bolts did little damage and the world slowed greatly (rendering lag to around 3 fps).
    Jaraiden -- Adult dragon, life mate of Shadowwalker, bonded 7/31/04 (Dawn --> Order)
    Adult 73/82 | hatchling 56/65 (70.8 days) [3/9/04 to 3/4/05, 4/12/06 to 4/13/07, Current]

    1. Fix what is broken. -- 2. Finish what is incomplete. -- 3. Add to complement lore.

  4. #44

    Default Re: A petition regarding a unique recognition.

    Afraid it'd come to this? It is Horizons after all.

    I'd just like to put in my vote for support; for someone who has stuck around all this time, and always kept an attitude second to none.

  5. #45

    Default Re: A petition regarding a unique recognition.

    Personally I don't see any argueing. Everyone has an opinion. I am very much aware of other significant contributions. And I believe there should and will be a proper place for recognition to be given. I just don't think TG should make special labels because it wil always cause problems. And as for others that may have them, I had no idea they were special. I thought someone just made a long name and declared themselves whatever they wanted.

    Again I am very happy to see someone get recognized, my hat is still off to you.

    Lady of Pain (By the way this was given to me by my guild whom is primarily made up of a wonderful group of crafters, and since I am always out killing and good at it, they felt it was appropriate)

  6. #46

    Default Re: A petition regarding a unique recognition.

    I have to agree that it would not be right for titles to be given out, it soon becomes a popularity contest on the shard, and ruining our world. However I think recongition here is the least that can be done.

    You would be surprised the number of people that are very skilled fighters and tacticians, but have chosen to stay unique and different.

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