That'sthe question I've been considering this weekend: Is it possible for a hatchling to take on Seleina by him/herself, in the course of his RoP? At least, a Helian hatchling. Since I was told initially that Seleina is a really difficult battle, and needed lots of help.

Now I've only had one chance to observe this (obviously [:$]) so don't take my word as law, but perhaps this might work. I can't guarantee anything, but I did make note of a few things.

Firstly, I went out on Seleina-hunt with a couple of guildmates, and we started with a bang (stun attack), at which point I began laying into Seleina from a safe distance with my Helian phylactery (which I had assigned to a hotkey I could mash). Soon after she became un-stunned, she was rather upset with me and so came lumbering in my direction, claws up and jaws gaping.

So afterhalf a momentof O.O "Eeeeek!"I did what any sensible young hatchling would do seeing that coming at them--I ran. ^_^;; Rapidly. Backwards. Being that I was a bit panicky and wasn't steering well going backwards, I accidentally dragged her further and further from my guildmates, who were trying to tank/distract her from me ([:$] sorry guys!).

But this is where the interesting part comes in. Seleina continued to follow me straight away for some distance, attempting to close to melee range. (I had Speed scales on, thank goodness! [:|]) I kept hitting her with the phylactery, which ispretty muchinstant cast, and back-running again, which left her skipping to try to catch me. She continually threw Menace and Snarl on me, the only insta-casts she had I think. She did not cast any primal attack spellsat me, presumably since she had no time to stop and focus (dragon spells are kinda slow, which at this point I think was a good thing).

At that point I was fairly far from my guildmates and they were calling me to come back, so I quit the straight run and circled around Seleina tohurry back. Still spamming the phylactery at every pause. We "formed ranks" again, and finally Seleina fell over.

Now, my pondering is this: If I'd had no guildmates to assist me, would I have been able to kill Seleina alone? Using this running-backwards-while-mashing-phylactery method, it almost seems possible. I was hardly injured during the fight, and all Seleina did toward me was cast Snarl and Menacing Presence on me while she was chasing me.

I'll be the first to admit there's a lot I don't know about this. Maybe Seleina has some wicked opening attacks and I was fortunate to miss the brunt of itthanks tomy guildmates. Maybe her spells just hadn't recycled yet. Maybe I just got really lucky not to be flattened. I really have no way to say for I'm open to education!^_^; Would it be possible to solo her, even for lower-level Helian hatchlings as I was?

Just wondering....