Does this look familiar to any one. Well, except for the part where they aren't actually doing the building.

Reclaiming the Wilderness

- Griffon tamers have being spotted gathering construction materials in the Thundering Steppes and Nektulos Forest ... but they need your help!

- The cursed spirits of these untamed lands are rising up to interfere with the efforts of the griffon tamers. Fight back against the undead so the workers can complete their task.

- The workers also require assistance gathering resources and building components to aid in their construction efforts. The foreman at each site will let you know how you can help!

- There are a number of construction sites in each region. All citizens of Norrath need to work together to complete this monumental undertaking!

- This is your chance to make your mark on the world and help reclaim the Shattered Lands!

Or the story link:;month=current

Imitiation is the sincerest form of flattery.