Ihave been reluctant to post anywhere in any portion of the boards as of late, for some reason, people seem to feel its is fine to troll/bash and behave in a manner that they would never or could never do in real life. The sum effect is that the more timid less thick skinnedand the people that honewtly want to have an issue or suggestion discussed simply wont post. If we want to be kept in the loop have the feeling that the developers are honestly trying to fix issues and add content we need to get a firm grip on ourselves and start presenting logical well thout out trains of thought the utter silliness and ugliness and pure unreasoning stupidity of some of the discussions im sure will burn out the developers from even wanting to try and keep us up todate. They are people and deserve to be treated as such, the kind of behaviors i ve seen as of late is less then what i would expect form adults. That said I love good well thought out discussions point by point arguments well thout out and planned theknee jerk/whining only emotional response is simply going to lessen your input and drive any potential good/positive result out of even happening.