Quote Originally Posted by Jayne
Good point! Dragonaide. I will campain for that too, hoard should not be used up as well as DP's given out.
Every players, not only dragons ones, will still get DP upon losing. The difference is that your wallet won't be 20 silvers lighter.

Though, even though I'm not gonna participate unless my opponent is offering me a priceless orb, I support the 'No DP' suggestions. We are fighter, not gladiator. Not all area were made to Fight until you kill everyone else. Others were made with the 'last man standing' in mind, where the opponent only had to be unable to battle or unconcious.

We're all supposed to be allied, so I don't think it make sense that we would kill each others in an area. Battle and knock the opponent uncouncious maybe, but not kill it.