All toons in Istaria have gift slots.. most toons have worked a class that will help them fill those slots for the purpose of adventuring and crafting.

Most Dragons will take gifts from bi-peds.. but many a time there has been, that I have been asked or politely told that they do not except gifts from bi-peds.

Dragons rescently have started a new class of crystal shapping.. and with this last patch have received the ability to tinker for themselves. (I thank you )

Would Dragons be able to blend crystal shapping and Alchemy in one and make tiered crystals so that when consumed, could fill gift slots?

So.. Malachite crystal of str = gift of str I

and so on...

The ability to make potions exist as does armor/jewlery/crafting crystals, that can be consumed, but only provide a boost as an enhance...
this can help dragons have gifts of their own production.. but be used by all players. (so classes that don't get Augmentation can use too).

Just a thought.