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Thread: Chaos Reigns! Special Edition 4.5

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    Thumbs up Chaos Reigns! Special Edition 4.5

    With no further fanfare, we wish to announce the winner of the 'Win A (Hunting) Date With Jayne' contest.

    Our grand prize winner is Sharona Jay. Here is her entry.

    In Star Wars, Anakin Skywalker was being trained by the good side and then turned his back on it all choosing to follow the dark side. In ways, my training in Istaria has been the opposite. My apprenticeship began with the dark lord. He trained me well, I can’t complain about that. In his camp I learned group strategy, how to plan better armor, jewelry and weapons, and how to stay alive long enough to win. In his camp we planned for a battle and trained on many of the mobs one on one. You came prepared to fight or planned to die, period. I cherish those times, but they were also dark times, after all he is the dark lord. Then I escaped, I was betrayed by those I thought were my friends, but that betrayal allowed me to escape.

    The Lady of Pain had been watching me, had taken an interest in my career for some reason known only to her, and when I was in need of help and sponsorship, she was there. Many Istarian fighters were prepared to ignore me, refused to fight battles if I was present. I had been the enemy in ways even though we fought the same evil invaders of our land, because of my past associations I was shunned. She stood by me, even dragged me to battles daring anyone to turn their backs – shunning me would have been shunning her and no one dared.

    Now it is time for her to finish my training, adding to what I already know. The good side can be stronger and it can be stronger by fighting fairly. Through using the tools and the roadblocks we are given, we can become a stronger community able to fight off all invaders.

    I would be humbled to win this hunt with Jayne and honored to use her axe to continue the fight against evil in Istaria. Side by side I would hope we can fight as partners, she should not have to sacrifice herself to save me, and with my strengths added to hers we will both be at less risk of death, although I would gladly lay down one of my many lives to save hers and to continue our quest to liberate Istaria from all invaders.

    Sharona Jay, Fiend
    Chaos Shard

    Our first runner up is Fluuoro. Here is his poem to the Lady of Pain.

    I'm da Gnome

    I'm da gnome who wish to date
    Jayne on Elnath till night late!
    The whole island i'll pull without fear
    24 berserk, paper armor and shield can't wear.

    I'm da gnome who fights for glory,
    trust in me and please don't worry!
    If in the fight you are in trouble,
    i sprint off, dryness face....on the double!

    I'm da gnome not fat but bold,
    i like hunting,i like gold.
    If you date me you won't regret,
    i'll bring you flowers..for me quicksteps!

    Honorable mention goes to Rahnir LaHojo.

    Why do I wish to go on a hunting date with Jayne? Because, I get to type "/GI JAYNE". Simple as that. (She has nice armor too).

    We leave it to Jayne and Sharona to schedule a mutually acceptable hunting time. We hope to get pictures for our next issue of Chaos Reigns!.
    Last edited by Alladania; August 4th, 2006 at 09:08 PM.

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