After taking a while off from HZ, my wife and I are starting to play again, but when logging in I'm treated to a nice little message saying that HZ has been sold!!

Which, in my eyes, may or may not be good news. I've skimmed some of the forums and notice upheaval with the change over and I'm left with a few questions that I'm hoping someone will be nice enough to answer.

A) What is to become of HZ?
I've been playing off and on since release. We, as a community, have been promised SO much over the past 3 years with either nothing happening or EXTREAMLY slow changes taking 6 months or more. There are maps embedded in the original version that show underground temples and such. Graphics, spells, and abilities that are shown in the Demo movies that never became apart of the game. Mounts (pony's) where promised, and never happened, and now the expansion pack (to tailor our homes) hangs in the balance..

Changes are going to happen.. How are those changes going to affect us? are we looking an another 'server merge?'

B) What's the future plans of HZ?
I understand the new owners aren't going to kill off the game, but rumor has it that the other MMO hasn't really been updated. (Granted, that's just rumor..I don't play it, and really haven't had the time to check into it, yet.)
Are we going to get the housing, and game play like we where promised 3 years ago? What are there plans for the game?

C) Will the game really worth coming back to?
We ALL know HZ has it's problems. Shifting between parents 4 times is enough to embitter any child, and upset any loyal follower. Are there things in the works that will make people take a second look at the game? Things that will make the old school players want to return to the game?

I, for one, don't want to see HZ die a painful death. I would like to see HZ return to it's roots and be the game it was supposed to be.