It's been ages since anyone from EII/PME posted about what's going on with our beloved game. The last threads I remember were threats to ban us all as exploiters if we didn't fix our billing information and that's been a couple months ago. Since we pointed out that we *couldn't* fix the billing info, the owners have gone strangely silent.

Oh sure, once in a while a WM will post about problems we are having on Chaos, but that's about it.

Is there anyone still alive at PME? Is there anyone that can tell us anything substantive?

Like for instance...

1) Can the Unity people get an update on what's going on with their characters? Will they ever see them again?

2) Can we all get an update on the billing fixes that (hopefully) are coming? Will those of us with plot warnings even though we have active subscriptions ever be able to sleep at night without worry of losing our lair/plot?

3) Does anyone from PME even care that there are people out here paying to play their game?

It's pretty sad the lack of contact we have had lately. Can't someone from PME at least come on and say "Hi, we're still here... here's what we're working on now..."? At least throw us a bone here

By the way, today marks the 6 month anniversary since EII purchased Horizons... has *anything* changed in that 6 months? Other than the population dropping steadily?