Quote Originally Posted by Kulamata
This goes a long way to explain the fiasco:


Basically a case study in how not to do it.
They didn't learn from Horizons...

I might get bashed for saying this, but Vanguard feels so much like Horizions.. The unfinished state when it went live, the limited budget, the weird performance issues (remember lagzoon), the vision that got in the way of what the majority find as fun, the questionable coding with the gazillion bugs that went along with in, even down to the some of the visions actually aligning between the games.

Don't minsunderstand me, I actually like both games. The disappointment on lost promise bother me. The both could have been far greater then what they are. SOE has given a stay of exectution to Vanguard, but SOE still has pretty much the same people at the helm - even if SOE was somehow qualified to fix some of the glaring issues with it.