You know, I just realized why it is there seemed like there was an endless supply of quests in WoW yet HZ's seem so stingy. I'm not saying that the quests are really stingy, but I may not have known who has them!

WoW has an indicator that floats over NPC's heads that tells you if they have a quest for you, or if they have one for you but you aren't old enough to do it, or if you have one to turn in usually a gold or silver ! or ?.

I've noticed once that one of the first people you meet in New Tristmas does actually have a bubble over his head with elipses inside -an indicator that he would like to talk to you. I've allso noticed that if you get close to him, he will actually approach you. Why don't ALL the quest givers do that? It's not like I read, or even remember where the release notes say all the quests are so there may be tons I havent done just because I don't know who is giving them out!