I have a complaint about the loot changes in the most recent patch. Basically, there are no longer any rare items or drops in this game. Now a few things like ogre toes were way to rare before (mostly due to the rarity of the mob, not to the number of toes/mob dropped). But now, what am I suppose to hunt to sell to people? Nothing, apparently. Cause now there are no rare comp drops. You can go hunting for 10 minutes and get enough drops from that mob for all your needs.

So as I see it, I now have 1 choice: if I want to attempt to hunt something to sell, I can farm Tier 6 mobs. I hate farming mass numbers of weak mobs (it is boring); what I want is to be able to hunt individual moderately difficult mobs (like the satyr island mobs) one or 2 at a time and get SOMETHING that I can sell.

I'm just flabbergasted that loot drops were nerfed like this. Nerfed meaning they were made so common as to be utterly worthless now.

So a call-out to people out there who might know. What should I hunt now that is In Demand in this so-called "player driven economy"?