I've recently started a guild on the Chaos server, and am currently welcoming players to join it. Send a tell to Whysp, or anyone currently in Crafters' Alliance to join.

Possible FAQ:

Do I have to be a specific level to join?
No. Every level is welcome, since lower level players will most likely get exp that higher level players have outgrown. There's no hurry to get to any specific level, and no reason to hurry past whatever level you may be on to get to the next one. Take your time, have fun. Isn't that what games're about? Having fun?

Do I have to be a specific race/gender?
As far as I know, your gender (or lack thereof) won't increase or inhibit your ability to function in the game. Likewise, every race is welcome. Different people focus on different aspects of their schools, so there is no upper hand in being one bipedal race over another. Similarly, dragons can make things that Bipeds cannot. So they're welcome, as well.

The name is Crafters' Alliance. Does that mean only pure crafters are allowed?
Not really. No one is out and out restricted, but it is a name that gives you an idea of what the guild will hopefully become. Personally, I enjoy crafting. But I'm not going to favor someone that crafts 24/7 over someone who only crafts when they get sick to death of adventuring.

Basically, we're welcoming people who enjoy crafting of all kinds, in all intensities. We're interested in having fun, becoming the best crafters in our chosen schools, and helping others with their crafting needs. Eventually, events related to crafting will be invented and placed on the calandar. Every member is welcome to add their own events, and to invite more members to the guild.

If you've any other questions, feel free to send a tell to Whysp on Chaos.