Hi all,

I felt the existing web-based rating calculator (the one I knew of anyway) was lacking in a few features so I made a new one. I've called it the "Horizons School Rating Configumatron" and I'd love if you guys could help me test it. I have it at a temporary address for now but hope to find a more permanent place for it later. It can be found at:


- Change current school on the fly with a drop-down list
- Fields accept numbers only and the numbers must be between 0 and 100
- Bookmarkable link to the page to "save" your school setup (not quite working yet)
- Gives both actual and non-rounded rating
- Gives full description of rating and how it's calculated
- Ugly black and white theme (*sigh* maybe I'll do something nicer later)

Thanks to those in the MarketPlace channel on Chaos who helped me test it a bit the other night. I've made a few changes since then so check it out again! Please post here or PM me with any comments, corrections, etc.