GAH! Why the hell do people get into Market Place if they aren't buying or selling!? Hell, they aren't even talking!

MP has gone to hell. It usually has 40+ people in it during evenings, but good-luck finding anyone willing to make spells, equipment, et cetera, or looking for people selling something.

I feel sorry for any new players to this game. If I had just started playing HZ the unfriendly, unhelpful player-base on Chaos would have driven me off by now. You can't always find teir I, II, and III stuff, and the channel for finding players to make/buy/sell has turned into a channel for players to sit on their thumbs and rotate in. If you don't know anyone you're screwed 'cause people on Chaos anymore have went from being friendly and helpful to un-friendly and un-helpful to people that aren't friends.