Once upon a time there was a fetching little pink dragon hatched from an egg. She looked at the world around her with eyes fresh and awe abundant. What was this brave new land? She set out on her quest to discover more and after learning the basics of what it meant to be a dragon, was finally reunited with her parents.

They took her under their wing and proudly showed her around their lair. Her eyes were wide in amazement, it was beautifully complex, twists and turns abounded, enough to leave her hopelessly lost and crying piteously for someone to come find her.

As she waited in one dark corner of her father's lair she couldn't help but feel pride for her parents, they created such a wonderful home, tricky enough to foil another dragon, it would no doubt to be completely inpenetrable to those pesky Naka-duskael.

An idea took root in her mind, a longing to have a lair of her own, to sculpt to her own desire, a place to call her own...


Hey all! I'm a relatively new player to Horizons, scratch that, I'm a VERY new player. I am Amarante on Chaos, hatched of Calypsoryn and Flatspin, of the guild Timeless, and I am fast approaching level 20 and I want a lair.

I've been perusing threads, and I've heard of some kind of massive reclamation on the horizon, but I haven't been able to find a thread about it. Does anybody have any information? I've only heard it mentioned in passing, does anybody have anything with more substance?