Good evening on a Friday night...

I am relatively new to Horizons, but have been playing pretty intensely. Am absolutely intrigued and hooked on the game and the demands it places on my hatchy and I.

I have been in four other on-line games in my gaming career and let it not be said that I am not a veteran player of them.

However, this is the first on-line game I have been involved with where I have not run into one negative player. I know nothing is perfect in any game and there are always griefers and parasites out there. But I have truly not run into one here.

Getting to the point… I was adopted into Legendary Heroes at the ripe age of 3 (I think) and have received nothing but enjoyment and help (even if they don’t believe in the killer trout…).

When I have run into a serious problem on-line, and no guildee was available or on-line, I have found the community to be nothing less than outstanding is assisting. Period.

But tonight I ran into a problem were the forum quest information was incorrect. I saw this big-ol dragon hovering around (sigh) and I entered into chat…

His (if her, my sincere apologies) name was Luthern of the guild Draconic Brotherhood.

I have never received such concentrated advice and knowledge in such a short amount of time. It was like going to dragon school 101 LIVE! The help, assistance, advice and the “patience� was outstanding. I was working a quest that had to do with Slate Golems and I didn’t have a clue where they were. The quest info in the forums was a bit wrong.

What does he do? Not only tells me where to port, puts me in group and walks me through to the site and then sticks around to make sure I am not turned into hatchy jam (which is very easy out there).

I learned about buff issues. I learned the importance of many lunus issues and a plethora (love that word) of facts and pitfalls that I will not have to go through now that I know. He boosts my hoard; keeps an eye on me during outrageous battles; and helps me understand many questions I had of the future development of my character.

I finished tonight with more confidence, more of an adrenaline-high from the fights, but more important with more knowledge that I can use.

Need I say I am not a member of his guild on top of it?! And this is “card-blanch� treatment I received? Whoa! I’m getting spoiled in this game.

I found out Luthern has been in Horizons since 2004. Well, all I can say is the Draconic Brotherhood has one hell of a player, but more important this community has him as one too.

What a major contributor to the game!


Siamese (a.k.a Mandu Greyshire of the Legendary Heroes)