I have seen this a few times,newish players having problems finding someone to group with...this can be for many reasons.
But how easy is it finding other players to group with?
When i saw one last night i did some checking round(Choas)
First i checked for players in the level 10-30 range...no one had their LFG check box on...this i assume is the in game method to let other players know you can be telled???
Maybe no one wanted to group at that time?this was a one shot check.
The place i saw the request...no other players on in that level.
Then checked the char names in that range against a range of channels and with the exception of MP the 40 odd players at that time no more than 15 of the 40 where in other channels
So what is a newish player todo?

i suggest either have a new chat channel called say LFG

Or maybe use the MP channel as it is the largest..and use a logical call similiar to current use ie WTS/WTB.....LFG level 20 Warrior PST....or whatever

Maybe Dev,s could have a look at improving current system?

Either way i,m sure it must put off new players that are used to better group chat systems in other games

Of cause it could be a failing on the current population that dosn,t use current LFG system?