I've been having trouble staying connected for periods of time. This has been ongoing since Feb, a time I installed a number of new componets to my network- a router, two mobile phones and another computer.

Been troubleshooting this thing forever trying to figure out what's wrong. Can't seem to reformat harddrive etc.

Yesterday morning while trying to connect to my wireless instead of wired to see if it was my netcard, I noticed on the list of servers, one of them happened to be "Raze" followed by 1/2 of my router password.

Huh... I have a keylogger. Had one since Feb I'm assuming when I installed the new router and now he's just taunting me.

I have no idea what he wants or what he got From the strange discons and no strange bank or CC activity, I'm just assuming he was stealing bandwith, but have changed every password on everything at work.

This also means I won't be able to enter any of the new passwords at home until I clear the entire network of this creep. Rather difficult if I can't even get dbat to work, plus getting through three different hoops in order to find a way of reporting this.... it'll be a while until I get back in the game.