The following features, changes, and fixes were applied to Blight as part of Delta 141:

  • FEATURE: Add customer service support for plot purchase history.

  • CHANGE: Drain Strike no longer uses the Primal skill. Other changes to the ability line:
    • Now has a post-delay, a damage multiplier, does maximum damage on hit
    • The amount of life drained by the hit is lower and scales based on the level of the ability
    • Drain Strike now costs hoard to use
    • Drain Strike now has associated animation and particle effect

  • FIX: We believe that the majority of the regions which had monsters that disappeared before they could be looted, or would disappear while engaged in combat, have been fixed. If you continue to experience this bug, please submit a support ticket with the location you were fighting in and what you were fighting at the time you experienced it so we can look into that area.
    • FIX: Players will find a different hunting experience in some of the following areas due to this change: Lesser Aradoth (some spawns); Selen Forest; Spiritous Swamp; Eastern Deadlands; Western Deadlands; Satyr Islands; Bitter Pickle; around most Blight Anchors; as well as Fire and Flame Wolves.
  • FIX: Adjusted spawn and treasure for Selen Forest Dire Wolves.
  • FIX: Fillet will no longer offer the "Iron Confectioner" quest to players who become confectioners after completing that quest series, but will give those players the "Iron Confectioner" emblem they missed out on.
  • FIX: Gift of Velocity II - V will properly buff flyspeed, not bleed r.esistance.
  • FIX: Primal Health is now castable by dragons.
  • FIX: Gift of Velocity and Primal Health are now scribable by Dragons.
  • FIX: Urgat the Wicked will now really for sure spawn deep inside the New Trismus Deadlands now.