/wavehi Chaos

We, The Echelon guild, would like to announce that we are looking to recruit some mature players, players who understand that real life comes first, but still have a passion for playing, to join us in Horizons.

What is The Echelon? Simply put, we are a multi-game guild of mature players that respect one another in a casual environment. We are seeking to add both seasoned and new players to our ranks.

When we are not fighting back the advance of the Withered Aegis, we are actively building on our guild plot at Papa.

If this sounds like a group you would like to be a part of, please visit our website at www.the-echelon.net, read the membership page, and post in our "New Member Requests" section for Horizons.

We hope to see you there soon.

Kealla, Guild Mistress
The Echelon