You know something will be mentioned in the next Herald report

Boy.... Istaria is a ghost town now... I bet they didn't realize that 80% of their plot system were under the 1600 sq. m. size.

Went to Morning Light, entire town gone. Dalimond, gone. My own community I live in, gone.

They found out the hard way that all the existing elder players already own the plot they want, and have an Alt account whose sole purpose is to buy and raze property when the time comes.

So in effect they just rewarded those that could be home that day, to free buildings, structures, novians, all in the name of cleansing so they can resize plots.

It's a shame too but I guess a necessary evil.

I had reports from a few players how they stood in Bristugo, commenting on the huge amount of traffic the game had with players that they had never seen before discussing which communities had already been "downsized"

What really gnaws at me, even though you KNEW this would happen, are those poor new players who don't have a huge cash income, don't have an organized guild, and would benefit from a few of these "pre build small plots with buildings" getting mowed over by organized guilds and players with "Greed" written all over it. Who can be the first players / guilds to get to the community first and totally wipe it before some other player guild does.

I would not be surprised if players made entire community maps of what was for sale, what structures were on them, and "plans of attack"

How do I know this is true? My own neighborhood...

next to me, a plot with a tier 2 consigner and pawnbroker, gone. Another plot with a large human house, gone.
The plot with christmas trees, pumpkins, skeletons and graves, and a few snowmen... STILL THERE!!!

So it only proves that "cleansing" goes only so far as to "what the greed of the community wants" and it won't reduce community lag. Plots with planned structures and scaffolding with no novians in them, will still be there, along with festival structures

And now comes the big question.... after all of this is done, will the communities that are now ghost towns get the plots resized.