
When you guys went through and "revamped" the Tooth and Claw Mastery quests, may I ask you guys a question?

WHY on Istaria, did you change T&C VI?

I wish to God I had done this quest before you guys changed it, it is so annoying. The way it was before, it was "Kill 30 Pale Hatchlings in Draak" ... now it is "Kill 25 Ghostly Dragons and 25 Pale Hatchlings in Draak".

I do not understand the change. Why not "Kill 50 of any undead dragon in Draak"?

The reason why I ask, is so very simple:

I WOULD kill 25 Ghostly Dragons IF I COULD FIND THEM. Seriously, WHY are there 50+ Pale Hatchling Spawns and only 4-5 Ghostly Dragon Spawns? I hate having to kill 50, 60, 80+ Pale Hatchlings JUST to get the 25 Ghostly Dragons asked for. Honestly. I can't freaking take a p*** without 20 Pale Hatchlings crawling all over me (that NEAR-INSTANTLY RESPAWN, yet the Ghostly Dragons Can't respawn quickly? Give me a break.). Yet I have to scour the land far and wide to find 1-2 Ghostly Dragons (not counting the one that spawns right ontop of the Shadow Dragon, mind you!)? *rolls eyes* Okaaaaaay.

Add to it that their Lightning Breath is THE most annoying thing I've seen in Istaria yet. Recasting all my buffs every 15 seconds? *growls* That gets annoying and very fast.

Either change the quest back, or, increase the number of Ghostly Dragon spawns. The quest was Fine the way it was.

PS: Why are the Pale Hatchlings stronger than the Adult Ghostly Dragons? That makes absolutely no sense.