I play a Conjurer Since the First day of the official Release...
i was in hope that they will give him some powers that will allow him to use his "summoning" skills in the way they used to be.

but all i get was 4 spells : Ice Hammer / Flame Spear / Ice Attack and Training Conjurers Mark.

All Spells are very slow and dont have real special damage... and high level mobs are nearly immune against Summoning.

First it was Funny with "Fireflys" cause the enemy was rootet .. and not snared with 80% ..... now its useless.

the only root i have is Binding Crystals and that gives a "Fire Resist"... what aboutICE BOLTand Improved ICE BOLT ? would be nice... so i have to spend much points in flame damage.

my buffs are pretty lame... waste of elements... one blow from a mob and the buff ist gone....

No Creature can be summoned... and my Epic Spell the "Shining Blades" do only 200 Damage !!! Drak Cyclone does 200 ! And every "Nature Spell User" muliclasses with level 40 Mage so they get the Multicast + Perfect Spell option...

******** i am pretty fucked up. Think about the Conjurers powers and way its meant to be played...