There have been tales of the blight hound known as Fafnir, who, with the very essence of Blight itself, can wipe out an entire group of Gifted brave enough to challenge him...

It has been said, that it takes a great many Gifted to defeat him, but there are some souls out there, who will face him...

Thus, it was decided, a mere group of three Gifted sought to challenge the feared blight hound dubbed Fafnir the Defiler.

After a grueling battle (and a few death points... >_>) Fafnir was brought down by the dragons, Ainura Galeforce, Aika Torcheflamme, and the Satyr, Jaela Capricorn.

Here are a couple of pictures taken at the scene of the deed (too bad Faffy vanished before I could catch him in the screenshot... x_x *points to the group window and the combat log* you might have to zoom in on it a little to read it)