I solved my problems with Vista, and it didn't involve an elaborate command-prompt driven solution.

I'm using Vista 64 bit Home edition.

Basically, I downloaded the .net frameworks, and installed them without any problems. Either vista is incredibly different depending on the computer, or other individuals are not installing properly. Install first 1.1, then install 1.1sp1. Make sure you allow it to install when Vista tells you it "has compatibility issues." The fact is, you probably won't come across too much .net framework applications anyway - so if there are compatibility problems, you probably won't notice.

MAKE SURE IT IS .NET FRAMEWORK 1.1, AND NOT 2.0. They BOTH have the same file name when downloaded from Microsoft's website.

Reboot your computer - this step may be unnecessary, but I did it.

Then, search for internet explorer from the start button and load up the version that is NOT 64-bit. The 64 bit version will not utilize 1.1 framework, period. I tested this multiple times, you can't use the 64 bit version.

You should then have no problems.

You may have to add istaria to your trusted sites, but other than that, you should be good to go. I am still downloading the 2 gig patch, but I will update when I know whether or not the game will actually run on a 64 bit machine.