Quote Originally Posted by Silverblaze
I want one of two things:

A) I want the quest line to go to gold rage 10. make the last three quests hard, epic if you will.
Make gold rage 10 similar to gold rage 7 is now. I don't care what hte cost in hoard. I can make due. Maybe make it ancient, only...I know some flks won't like it but... well you get my drift.

B) Change timers slowly of most abilities and tweak them damage-wise to average a similar DPS to right now. If DPS is similar, I don't care about any single ability. I truly don't. That is the goal of this post. That is what many would like to see, I hope.
I agree 100% to point A. I truly, honestly cannot see the need for increasing the damage (even if increasing the delay/recycle) on GR to take it to 10. I think GR as it stands truly can not, and should not do more damage. As it is, I 1 shot almost every mob in game, if it's got a few straggling HP left or one of my GRs misses, then ravage or SS finishes it off.

I mentioned that it came up on the forums that GR might be overpowered. My mostly passionate dragon friend said although he hated to admit it, he felt that was a true statement.

I think if you weaken GR in any way (as everyone has become accustomed to it), there will be no end to the outcry and bad feelings. However, there is absolutely no need to make it do MORE damage. The T&C quests have done that already and my GRs do a couple hundred more damage each hit as it is; so effectively, by putting the T&C quests in game you HAVE already given us Gold Rage 10.

As for point B. My apologies SB, but I don't understand what you are suggesting. In plain terms, you lost me .