From over on the MMORPG boards what is coming next, which is what I figured they would go back to.

Originally posted by AmarieA
I wanted to drop in and thank you on behalf of the team for the outstanding feedback and comments in this post. It is obviously well thought out, and thus greatly appreciated.
As a note to any who are reading it, much of what is mentioned in here as "issues" in some way are items that someone on the team is currently working on.
For example, character management and account management are things which the programmers are working on adding to the new launcher. We had to push the launcher out "as is" right now in order for the game to be more Vista compatible. But the features will continue to improve it in the future.
We are also aware that having three websites (, and in addition to the basic, is confusing and makes it hard to find what's where. Again, fixing this is something that's "on the list" to make more user friendly.
Design team wise, the next major project for the team is to overhaul the very "tier 2" area that Rihahn is now encountering. We know that the experience one gets on New Trismus and Lesser Aradoth (the tier 1 area) isn't the same as the other tiers, but the team is working tier by tier on bring things "up to par" one tier at a time. The "grand plan" is that over the next year, design content will be a mix of adding brand new content at each tier (T1 has been done, T2 is coming soon, and others will follow) while still working to fix bugs and improving existing content.
So hopefully in time the experience that players such as Rihahn have had in the first weeks in Istaria will be what players experience from level 1 right up to level 100... and beyond.