I'm interested in acquiring a demon claw. I was wondering if there were still people around that are still willing to do this encounter? I don't know why I've put it off for so long.

I'm interesting in doing any endgame encounters actually.
I'm less interested in Valkor's weapon with a 5% proc over the boost in damage the demon claw brings to the table. And would help in others farming it for the pieces in return for helping to farm a demon claw.

I would only pick up pieces of Valkor's claw if the group I had each had their own already, etc. Eventually I would like to have both since they can be situational.

Hopefully there are still some biped healers/DPS that are interested in the loot that drops as well.

P.S.: Of course I don't mind being rolled against and losing to others, I'm a good sport. xP